Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfares announced that current 20s-30s generation would be able to get pension (employee pension) more than 300.000 yen even though the low birth rate goes on as they expect. Hokkaido newspaper reported it today.
To put it simply, 99.9% of Japanese youngsters will never believe it. And furthermore, the article mentioned that the Ministry prospected that real wages will keep going up by 1.5%. How ridiculous! Their calculation said that the average wages of men after tax will be 620.000 yen per month in 2041 when current 30s reach 65 years old. Please somebody, call doctors!! Bring the government officials in their department to ER!! Soon!!
Whew...I cannot understand them, totally. Yesterday, I wrote about youngsters who have lost motivation to get ahead in society. Youngsters are completely fed up with the rotten society. How can the youngsters get motivated healthily? Fake and misleading information is enough!!
Oh, it may be, probably...possible that the dubious increase of wages in the future based on the ridiculous calculation is public declaration of bankruptcy that will cause hyperinflation...If so, the average wages will increase though it never means the true growth. Wow... Of course, I hope not...strongly...
Thank you for visiting and have a great day!
P.S. I am listing my debut volume, "Falling Japan ~On The Verge of Bankruptcy and Destruction" on ebay. Please take a look at the auction page.
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