Wednesday, May 2, 2007

60th Birthday

Hi, everyone in the globe!! How are you doing? It's almost 3:00 pm here in Japan. It's the time to deliver my today's column:

60 years have passed since Constitution of Japan went into effect. Today is the birthday.

The original ideal of the Constitution of Japan is great in the way that declared the renunciation of war.

Kobe newspapers cited a textbook of society for junior high schools at that time in the editorial today. The textbook described a story titled "A story about new Constitution". In the part of "renunciation of war", there was a description, "We will never have militaries, military ships, airplanes for war." It further described, "Please don't worry feeling insecure at all. We have just started a correct thing earlier than other countries."

As human beings are a creature that is forgetful, current prime minister may be also forgetful of the original concept.

Now, the reform of Constitution is debated in Japan. It will be true that some are not fit with current society, but many Japanese are worried that the reform may have a dangerous intention that induces citizens to be able to go to war.

Though Charles Darwin says that those who change can survive, there is a thing that we should never change.

Thank you for visiting and have a wonderful day!!

P.S. I am listing my debut volume, "Falling Japan ~On The Verge of Bankruptcy and Destruction" on ebay. Please take a look at the auction page.

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