The demonstrators put a stereo on a truck, and they screamed making a loud sound of dance music, "Can't stand any more!" "Give us decent jobs!" "We're not disposable part-timers!!". The bustling shopping and entertainment district was smothered by tumult at that moment.
Recently, Japanese youngsters are put in a tough and unfair situation, especially, in working places. The Japanese youngsters who are said to be quiet have finally started to show the anger in public.
The current government tends to ignore this situation. It seems that what the government of Japan is focusing on is to change the constitution. Many citizens, including intellectuals, doubt it. Yes, it is a bit strange and does not make sense, but a figure slightly comes up.
It's war. This may be an extreme perspective, but it can probably be thought that government intentionally let the number of youngsters who cannot get jobs with which they can make a humane living like the past generations decrease a lot, and then, the government may be thinking that those youngsters are forced to join a self-defense force that may be an official military if the constitution is changed. No job? Join the military. Like that way.
I hope that this is just a fantasy. No, it must be a fantasy because current government strongly and loudly keeps mentioning, "Towards a beautiful country". Yeah, don't need to worry, don't need...probably...
Thank you for visiting <(_ _)> and Have a happy day!!
P.S. I am listing my debut volume, "Falling Japan ~On The Verge of Bankruptcy and Destruction" on ebay. Please take a look at the auction page.
as a citizen of the "unofficial 51st state", i can tell you that the canadian military were forced to send too much troops too early in Afghanistan
it tooks a while, but finally, even the manipulative mass media told months later that one top military resign in disgusts when forced to send so many troop in Afghanistan without proper training and equiments
the canadian military spending just exploded... after they got the order to do so from the usa, really, Canada is the "unofficial 51st state", just a puppet state; many people remember when we had a real prime minister like Pierre Elliot Trudeau that could "say no" the usa-uk empire
they cannot recruit enough military personnel, so they lowered the standard requirement to get in the military, right now, pretty much anybody can get in, even if you have asthma or other light or invisible physical impairments
so now that the japanese spy agency went from officially "do not exist" to "do exist" with an official building and all, they will obey their american puppet-master and boost the military to send troops where ever need be
all those freeters too poor to pay rent and walk by with all their personal stuff in a backpack, coming back from a shitty job and at night staying in an internet cafe because it is cheaper than a capsule hotel, will sure be more easy to lure into the military
in the usa they have close to 15% of mexicans in their military, they send policemen and border patrols in the military and to fill the void, they intend to replace policemen with policemen imported from mexico! they need that much military personel...
the "Japan that can say no" seems to be just a myth
the coming war with Iran in the months to come is deeply desired by the american administration to sustain the falling american dollar (in 1971 the US$ went from gold backed to oil backed)
Hi marcchabot! Thanks a lot for your comment again! You really know a lot. I enjoyed reading your comment.
I didn't know the situation in Canada and what's going on in the policy of American military. What you wrote made sense a lot.
As you would know, Japan is also almost like under America. The privatization of postal service in Japan was decided under ex-Prime Minister, Junichiro Koizumi who was quite popular among citizens though lately citizens started to have a sense of feeling of being cheated.
The privatization of the postal system seemed to be a dynamic reform of government organization, but the reality was that America was ordering to do it in the US-Japan Regulatory Reform and Competition Policy Initiative. America must have been aiming at the big money that will come out to the market after the privatization was complete.
It seems that Japan is one of the big purses of government of America. Under this situation, Japan will be NEVER able to say, no to America. It may be also doubtful whether or not Japan can be said to be an independent country.
hello Shogo
i had heard of J.K. and his assassins, horimon being one of them, pushing for big change with the "postal bank" (sort of), but never of that Regulatory Reform and Competition Policy Initiative before.
i just googled for it and this reminds me of the "north american union"
where they intend to gradually, step by step, merge usa, canada and mexico
right now they call it nafta plus, reducing the laws and regulations differences betweens the 3 countries
eventually people will cross the borders without having to stop at the customs
then, the "amero" will replace both dollars and the pesos, just like the euro
this is a huge change that will impact the live of everybody, but the medias keep it at a very low profile as they, year by year, chip away the differences and the independence of Canada
and buy "they", i mean the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), those semi invisible poeples having more power on our lives that those we vote for.
it even robs us of our hability to make our own laws, right here, right now:
Canada lowers standards on pesticide use on fruits, vegetables to match U.S. limits
how does the usa expect to leach the money coming out of Jpost?
i was digging on how the Jpost money could be leached and found something interesting
1. the current low yen is good and in most part due to the current "yean carry trade", look at the one dated Sunday, April 29, 2007
2. look at those at the top and at the bottom of the list:
Hi Marc. I read your comments and went to websites you told me. It was interesting again!
All things considered, I feel that America is in the dangerous situation with quite imminent finance as well as Japan, or worse than Japan, and especially, current account balance in the website you told me is showing it. That's why government of America is trying to merge countries around as well as focusing on China strongly. It makes sense, especially, for merging Mexico because so many Mexican are already in America legally or illegally. It's like the way that it's almost impossible to control Mexicans in US, so just merge the country itself.
Now, they may be raging in the sinking ship.
Good night!
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