Japanese people in working places are getting lonely, and the bosses divert the responsibility because of the performance-based system. With that title, Sankei Newspaper reported about the problems in working places of Japan today.
The article picked up a case.
An accident happened in one of the quite famous Japan makers in Japan. A man who was 30s was doing his task assigned, and it was found that his job was quite late. A day that the accident was found was just one day before the date of completion.
Until that day, nobody including his boss and colleague noticed the big delay of his work. A partaker mentioned, "we extended the working day and put a lot of colleague in the job, but it was still not enough. And finally, we had to hire dispatch workers."
As a result, this largely delayed job affected other sections and damaged the company a lot. The man who caused this matter said, "I couldn't say it because I didn't want to be looked as an incompetent person."
The article of the newspapers says that the trust relationship in working places is getting poor and poor. The phrase that bosses say represents it, "I leave it to you, so you do it in your way."
Some specialist analyses that the phrase comes from a purpose to hide the incompetence that the bosses cannot give suitable advices or create proper relationship. They do not want to share with responsibility.
Umm...This matter is actually really complicated. Many things, so many things are changing in Japan. The situation is quite chaotic. It seems that western value and traditional Japanese value deeply existing inside are fighting. Japanese are basically collectivism, but value of individualism starts to be dominant. This conflict of the values will be so hard to solve.
Prince Shotoku once said, "Treasure conformity".
It seems that the room to treasure the traditional culture, value, is getting narrow.
Thank you for visiting <(_ _)> and Have a nice day!!
P.S. I am listing my debut volume, "Falling Japan ~On The Verge of Bankruptcy and Destruction" on ebay. Please take a look at auction page!!
hello Shogo
Should i understand that the performance-based system was not widely in use before the collapse of the bubble economy?
If so, it could mean that the "family model" used inside businesses where useless employes were given a desk facing a window so that they would not get bored too much while pretending to work was only possible at the time of the bubble economy, when money was plenty.
Now that the bubble economy blew up, this is no longer possible. It looks like more to be an economy issue that a western value issue. Chinese slave labor is certainly taking it's toll.
A long time ago, everything was made in Japan, then later, everything was made in Hong Kong, and now, everything is made in China. India might be next. My parents still naturally use the word hibachi instead of "barbecue a briquette" (from the old time when everything imported came from Japan), even though they have absolutely no idea that hibachi is not a french word. I expect the next word to be mandarin.
Although, the probability that the american stage a false flag attack on themselve (probably between july to september 2007) to justify an attack on Iran is gigantic, that would trigger explosive oil prices, and combine with the american housing market ubble collapsing right now, it does not look good ahead for a long a sustain chinese flow of export.
Hi Mark,
Hi! How've you been? Thanks a lot for coming here a lot!
>Should i understand that the performance-based system was not widely in use before the collapse of the bubble economy?
Roughly speaking, your recognition will be correct. Seniority system was quite usual before the end of bubble economy (I didn't know the word, "performance-based" in the past), and it still strongly exists in protected industry such as newspapers or media, and some big countries seem to be keeping the seniority system greatly applying the performance-based system partly. And of course, it is unreasonably working in government officials that are being quite criticized by general citizens.
>If so, it could mean that the "family model" used inside businesses where useless employes were given a desk facing a window so that they would not get bored too much while pretending to work was only possible at the time of the bubble economy, when money was plenty.
This will be also correct, but in addition, I think that the matter was partly more than money. It was kind of culture, too, I suppose. I mean that it seems that Japanese employers hesitated to fire employee in order to save their faces (this concept will be quite important in Japan culture or China culture, I think).
The employer might have felt that firing is cruel or uncommon in terms of Japanese culture or concept. It is like "nasake", sensibility unique to Japan culture that past samurais seemed to have in their deep heart.
However, after this value was going away, "firing" seemed to be accelerated with financial reason.
>Chinese slave labor is certainly taking it's toll.
Yes, I agree to the opinion strongly. So many companies went to China, especially, manufacturing companies seeking for the cheep workforce.
I also feel that the India's development is so powerful. It seems that their math and science education are working very well. Many technical workers have been already quite active in US, too.
I feel that the development of India may not finish getting the cheap jobs like China, but they may start to have value-added jobs in the near future.
>My parents still naturally use the word hibachi instead of "barbecue a briquette" (from the old time when everything imported came from Japan), even though they have absolutely no idea that hibachi is not a french word. I expect the next word to be mandarin.
Wow!! Thank you very much for telling me this wonderful story!! It's quite interesting!! Oh, yes, some items that represent mandarin may be popular, but I hope that China should solve the copyright matter. They are TOO bold!! haha, but it is not Michey Mouse (grin). You get it? hehe Not funny? Excuse me...
>Although, the probability that the american stage a false flag attack on themselve (probably between july to september 2007) to justify an attack on Iran is gigantic, that would trigger explosive oil prices, and combine with the american housing market ubble collapsing right now, it does not look good ahead for a long a sustain chinese flow of export.
Oh, really? But...oh, yeah, it can be understood...thinking of what America has been doing in recent years... umm... if this does happen actually, American citizens must be more explosive than the price of oil. They are not such stupid, thinking of the declining of the approval rate for Bush.
Thanks a lot and have a nice day!!
hello Shogo
The average american is so completely brainwashed by the mass media that he's more interested about Paris Hilton wearing or not underpants at the lastest party she was at, than something that will have huge impact on his life, like monetary policy
or the latest presidential executive order giving W Bush dictatorial power.
When sexy and football get a thousand times more media exposure than the former federal reserve chairman telling a serious
recession is ahead, you can make the public believe anything because they are not in touch with the real world.
In 2005, the proxy war with Iran began when the usa financed and armed anti-shia arabic groups to covertly destabilize the
iranian government. After years of denials and lies, it became so visible and well known everuwhere that they publicly admit it.
As a retaliation, the iranian goverment announced an "iranian oil bourse", so that nations could get oil without having to use the american dollar.
In late march 2007 the tension was really high and war was much likely than ever, but the iranian oil bourse was posponed indefinetly, and to avoid another fabricated "golf of tonkin incident"
that would give a pretext to the usa to attack Iran like they did in Vietnam, they captured a small group of british soldier to get western media coverage, to get two points to the public:
A) the iranians can enforce their borders without killing and are serious about it
B) the iranian president appeared benevolent and magnanimous be releasing safely the captured british military
The result is the american public can no longer be manipulated by it's own government with a new golf of tonkin incident.
Because of this brillant iranian "western mass media" manipulation, the usa is more likely to use a third pearl harbor than a second golf of tonkin incident.
In his book "the grand chessboard, american primacy and it's geostrategic imperatives" (page 24 and 25, page 34 and 35),
Zbigniew Brzezinski (a man with decades of experience in the top echelons of the US foreign policy establishment, a man who has the closest links to the military and to intelligence agencies) explain all of that, even at the senate foreign relations committee (on Capitol Hill in Washington, February 1, 2007) he alluded to the potential for the Bush administration to manufacture a false flag golf of tonkin incident in describing a "plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran," which would revolve around "some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the US blamed on Iran, culminating in a US military action against Iran".
Even the "think tank" group PNAC (Project for the New American Century)
says in his september 2000 pdf letter
that they need a "catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor" (page 51) to convince the average american to go to war and make the usa the puppet master of the whole world. And indeed, they made it happen in 9/11/2001, they got their second pearl harbor.
When going to war, the government needs the support of the public because it is very expensive and they need them to send their sons (and daughters) to die for them. They need to stage events to "manufacture consent". But this is more obvious if you know the inside story of pearl harbor instead of the official garbage stated in late 1941 that is still being repeated today, despited declassification of secret official documents.
At the beginning of the 20th century, british colonies were threaten by the emerging japanese state, they could not do anything about it, so, the next best thing was to mitigate their loss of hegemony and they got that opportunity in 1922 at the Washington naval conference by forcing the japanese to have a smaller and weaker navy, thanks to Herbert O. Yardley
When he was fired by an idiot in government that shut down "The American Black Chamber" right in the despression of 1930, then he published his book
to survive, and the reaction of the enraged japanese public in the 1930's was really comical. In 1932 and 1938 the us navy did two military exercises that prooved that the pearl harbor was an easy target. The second world war was a perfect opportunity to get back to colony in asia. President Roosevelt implemented all 8 of the recommendations made by lieutenant
commander Arthur McCollum of the office of naval intelligence to provoke a japanese attack, then demanded to have navy
ships parked at pearl harbor, the first navy general refused because doing so would be insane, he was fired, the second navy
general refused because doing so would be irresponsible, he was fired, the third navy general agreed to park ships at pearl
harbor despite the danger, knowing he would be fired if he did not obey.
With the Angooki Taipu-B
being decoded by William F. Friedman and the Jnavy jn-25 code being read by the OP-20-G
they had enough information to win the war they wanted. Even decoded, the target was labeled "AF", so they use a low
level us navy communication system known to be decoded by the Jnavy and send a message saying pearl harbor had fresh
water shortage, soon after, the decoded jn-25 said "AF is short on water", and they knew "AF" was pearl harbor. When
the Jnavy did what Roosevelt wanted, he went public by saying that the japanese attack was a "sneak attack" and so on...
while in fact he would have kissed the butt of Yamamoto and Tojo for doing exactly what they were supposed to do!
War is an expensive tool an empire uses to rule weaker nations.
Wars do not happen by accidents.
War is so costly in lives and money that they need the support of the population, thus the propaganda to manipulate the
I understand that you feel like being struck by a train with so much information all at the same time, but i cannot write that
without all those references to avoid looking like a mad man. For me it is easy because i have been reading so many books
on espionage for so many years, combine with personal amateur electronic eavesdropping (just for fun) with a pro-2006 in
the early days when analog RF was still all the rage.
ps: yes, Iran will be attack, we just don't know exactly when, but the usa really need this war and will do anything to provoke
it (even if they have to do a false flag attack to justify it), the more outrageous the attack, the more the american public will
believe it and agree to take revenge on Iran.
important parts are #4, #6 and #11d
The Guardian 4 April, 2007
The proposed Iranian oil bourse will
accelerate the fall of the US Empire
Krassimir Petrov, PhD
A nation-state taxes its own citizens, while an empire taxes other nation-states. The history of empires, from Greek and
Roman, to Ottoman and British, teaches that the economic foundation of every single empire is the taxation of other nations.
The imperial ability to tax has always rested on a better and stronger economy, and as a consequence, a better and stronger
Historically, taxing the subject state has been in various forms, usually gold and silver, where those were considered money,
but also slaves, soldiers, crops, cattle, or other agricultural and natural resources, whatever economic goods the empire
demanded and the subject-state could deliver.
For the first time in history, in the twentieth century, America was able to tax the world indirectly, through inflation. It did not
enforce the direct payment of taxes like all of its predecessor empires did, but distributed instead its own fiat currency, the
US dollar.
Here is how it worked. Early in the 20th century, the US economy began to dominate the world economy. The US dollar was
tied to gold, so that the value of the dollar neither increased, nor decreased, but remained the same amount of gold. The
Great Depression, with its preceding inflation from 1921 to 1929 and its subsequent ballooning government deficits,
substantially increased the amount of currency in circulation, and thus rendered the backing of US dollars by gold impossible.
The dollar and gold
This led Roosevelt to decouple the dollar from gold in 1932. Up to this point, the US may have well dominated the world
economy, but from an economic point of view, it was not an empire. The fixed value of the dollar did not allow the Americans
to extract economic benefits from other countries by supplying them with dollars convertible to gold.
Economically, the American Empire was born with Bretton Woods in 1945. The US dollar was not fully convertible to gold, but
was made convertible to gold only to foreign governments. This established the dollar as the reserve currency of the world. It
was possible, because during WWII, the United States had supplied its allies with provisions, demanding gold as payment, thus
accumulating a significant portion of the world's gold.
In the 1960s, the guns-and-butter policy was an imperial one. The dollar supply was relentlessly increased to finance Vietnam
and LBJ's Great Society. Most of those dollars were handed over to foreigners in exchange for economic goods, without the
prospect of buying them back at the same value. The increase in dollar holdings of foreigners via persistent US trade deficits
was tantamount to a tax, the classical inflation tax that a country imposes on its own citizens. But this time around [it was] an
inflation tax that the US imposed on the rest of the world.
When in 1970-1971 foreigners demanded payment for their dollars in gold the US Government defaulted on its payment on
August 15, 1971. While the popular spin told the story of "severing the link between the dollar and gold", in reality the denial
to pay back in gold was an act of bankruptcy by the US Government. Essentially, the US declared itself an Empire. It had
extracted an enormous amount of economic goods from the rest of the world, with no intention or ability to return those
goods, and the world was powerless to respond, the world was taxed and it could not do anything about it.
From that point on, to sustain the American Empire and to continue to tax the rest of the world, the United States had to
force the world to continue to accept ever-depreciating dollars in exchange for economic goods and to have the world hold
more and more of those depreciating dollars. It had to give the world an economic reason to hold them, and that reason was
Dollars for oil
In 1971, as it became clearer and clearer that the U.S Government would not be able to buy back its dollars in gold, it made
in 1972-73 an iron-clad arrangement with Saudi Arabia to support the power of the House of Saud in exchange for
accepting only US dollars for its oil. The rest of OPEC was to follow suit and also accept only dollars. Because the world had
to buy oil from the Arab oil countries, it had the reason to hold dollars as payment for oil. Because the world needed ever
increasing quantities of oil at ever increasing oil prices, the world's demand for dollars could only increase.
The economic essence of this arrangement was that the dollar was now backed by oil. As long as that was the case, the
world had to accumulate increasing amounts of dollars, because they needed those dollars to buy oil. As long as the dollar
was the only acceptable payment for oil, its dominance in the world was assured, and the American Empire could continue to
tax the rest of the world.
If, for any reason, the dollar lost its oil backing, the American Empire would cease to exist. Thus, Imperial survival dictated
that oil be sold only for dollars. If someone demanded a different payment, he had to be convinced, either by political
pressure or military means, to change his mind.
The man that actually did demand Euros for his oil was Saddam Hussein in 2000. At first, his demand was met with ridicule,
later with neglect, but as it became clearer that he meant business, political pressure was exerted to change his mind. When
other countries, like Iran, wanted payment in other currencies, most notably Euros and Yen, the danger to the dollar was
clear and punitive action was in order.
Bush's Shock-and-Awe in Iraq was not about Saddam's nuclear capabilities, about defending human rights, about spreading
democracy, or even about seizing oil fields; it was about defending the dollar, therefore, the American Empire. It was about
setting an example that anyone who demanded payment in currencies other than US dollars would be likewise punished.
Economically speaking, in order for an empire to initiate and conduct a war, its benefits must outweigh its military and social
costs. Benefits from Iraqi oil fields are hardly worth the long-term, military cost. Instead, Bush must have gone into Iraq to
defend his Empire. Two months after the United States invaded Iraq, the Oil for Food Program was terminated, the Iraqi Euro
accounts were switched back to dollars, and oil was sold once again only for US dollars. No longer could the world buy oil
from Iraq with Euro. Global dollar supremacy was once again restored. Bush descended victoriously from a fighter jet and
declared the mission accomplished he had successfully defended the US dollar, and thus, the American Empire.
Iranian Oil Bourse
The Iranian government has finally developed the ultimate "nuclear" weapon that can swiftly destroy the financial system
underpinning the American Empire. That weapon is the [proposed] Iranian Oil Bourse. (Note: it was to have been opened in
March 2006 but has been delayed and is even now not open. Its opening would almost certainly result in immediate bombing
and invasion by US and Israeli forces).
In economic terms an Iranian oil market would represent a much greater threat to the hegemony of the dollar than
Saddam's, because it would allow anyone willing either to buy or to sell oil for Euros, thus circumventing the US dollar
altogether. It is likely that almost everyone would eagerly adopt this euro oil system.
The Europeans would not have to buy and hold dollars in order to secure their payments for oil, but would instead pay with
their own currencies. The adoption of the euro for oil transactions will provide the European currency with a reserve status
that will benefit the Europeans at the expense of the Americans.
The Chinese and the Japanese would be especially eager to adopt the new exchange, because it will allow them to drastically
lower their enormous dollar reserves and diversify with Euros, thus protecting themselves against the depreciation of the
The Russians have inherent economic interests in adopting the Euro, the bulk of their trade is with European countries, with
oil-exporting countries, with China, and with Japan. The Russians seemingly detest holding depreciating dollars. If embracing
the Euro will stab the Americans, they will gladly do it and smugly watch the Americans bleed.
The Arab oil-exporting countries will eagerly adopt the Euro as a means of diversifying against rising mountains of
depreciating dollars. Just like the Russians, their trade is mostly with European countries, and they will prefer the European
currency both for its stability and for avoiding currency risk, not to mention their jihad against the Infidel Enemy.
Only the British will find themselves between a rock and a hard place. So far, they have had many reasons to stick with the
winner. When they see their century-old US partner falling, will they firmly stand behind him or will they deliver the coup de
grace? We should not forget that currently the two leading oil exchanges are the New York's NYMEX and the London
International Petroleum Exchange (IPE), even though both of them are effectively owned by the Americans.
It seems more likely that the British will have to go down with the sinking ship, for otherwise they will be shooting themselves
in the foot by hurting their own London IPE interests.
[For all these reasons] the Americans cannot allow an Iranian oil bourse to happen, and if necessary, will use a vast array of
strategies to halt or hobble the operation.
Of course, a government coup is clearly the preferred strategy, for it will ensure that the exchange does not operate at all
and does not threaten American interests. Feverish rhetoric about Iranians developing nuclear weapons undoubtedly serves
to prepare this course of action. A nuclear strike is a terrible strategic choice [and] the Americans will likely use Israel to do
their dirty nuclear job.
Unilateral Total War is obviously the worst strategic choice. The US military resources have been already depleted with two
wars [and] the Americans would further alienate other powerful nations. Major dollar-holding countries may decide to quietly
retaliate by dumping their own mountains of dollars, thus preventing the US from further financing its military ambitions.
From a purely economic point of view, should the Iranian Oil Bourse gain momentum, it would be eagerly embraced by major
economic powers and will precipitate the demise of the dollar. The collapsing dollar will dramatically accelerate US inflation and
will pressure upward US long-term interest rates. At this point, the Fed will find itself between deflation and hyperinflation.
Deflation raises interest rates, thus inducing a major economic depression, a collapse in real estate, and an implosion in
bond, stock, and derivative markets, with a total financial collapse.
Alternatively, it could take the course of inflation which would drown the financial system in liquidity. Sooner or later, the
monetary system must swing one way or the other, forcing the Fed to make its choice. No doubt the chairman of the Fed
Reserve Bank Ben Bernanke, who is a renowned scholar of the Great Depression, will choose inflation.
To avoid deflation, he will resort to the printing presses and monetise everything in sight. His ultimate accomplishment will be
the hyperinflationary destruction of the American currency and from its ashes will arise the next reserve currency of the
world that barbarous relic called gold.
The author Krassimir Petrov has received his PhD in economics from the Ohio State University and currently teaches
Macroeconomics, International Finance, and Econometrics at the American University in Bulgaria. He is looking for a career
in Dubai or the United Arab Emirates.
Hi Marc,
Your comment was beyond description. I just appreciate you for sharing your knowledge and brain in this sort of small blog spending your precious time.
I was really amazed by the story from the bottom of my heart. Because of your story, I could get a picture of this modern world, especially, the country, America.
When I read a book written by Dr. John Coleman (translated version in Japanese), I was a bit shocked about the system of this world, but reading your comment, I can feel that a kind of dynamic game that normal citizens can never be taught and known has been performed. Brainwash by an invisible government.
Phew...what is this world?...
I can just make sure that this world is earth, and not heaven, and may probably never reach the world peace.
Having said that, how great if I, no, every human being could make efforts to let this world better together. Yeah, I may be just a idealist. Oh, yes, I am just struggling for my life (wry grin).
Thanks a lot and Have a nice day!
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