Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Is the Relationship between Japan and America Going to Change? Japan May Withdraw from Iraq? Another Ichiro Shows the Fang.--from Japan

Ichiro Ozawa, a head of Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) that got a big win in the last month's Lower House Election, declined to extend the dispatch of Self-Defense Force in Iraq. Japan media reported.

Ozawa met ambassador Schieffer on 8th afternoon. Shieffer asked him to extend the special anti-terrorism law, but Ozawa said, "This is the war that America started without gaining the international consensus. So, we could not join the operation."

Japan's ruling party is still Liberal Democratic Party that hugely lost in the last month election. Because Prime Minister keeps on showing his incompetence in his position, he is now getting fired by colleagues in LDP.

If there is a snap election in the near future, it is highly possible that LDP gets a tremendous defeat. If so, it's the turn of Ozawa though it cannot be sure whether or not Ozawa wants to be Prime Minister. Anyway, DPJ holds the control of Japan in that case.

If all the scenarios become true, it is interesting to observe how America responds.

After subprime matter, America may face another prime issue.


marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

The dispatch of J military in Iraq was possible because of september eleven. The futur dispatch of more J military (in Iran?) will be possible because of a third pearl harbor. If DPJ has control of both chambers, they will probably be the one to change the J constitution to permit futur dispatch of more J military.

Remember how the J population was horrified with all those video clips of september eleven? Really usefull propaganda to make the J population accept military dispatch in Iraq. Imagine iranian al queda patsy taking the blame for the third pearl harbor, the J population will be horrified with all those video clips of radio active dead americans. Really usefull propaganda to make the J population accept a change of the J constitution. Many times, mass media manipulation is more powerfull than any weapon, and there is nothing DPJ can do about it.

Due to the USA "no blood, no oil" policy, Canada is getting more militarized continually, in my province, they reopened an old military college and the old Bagotville military base.

I can already picture J soldiers killing innocent iranians under the orders of an american general to secure an oil field...


The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.
--HL Mencken

marcchabot said...

The Chinese government has begun a concerted campaign of economic threats against the United States, hinting that it may liquidate its vast holding of US treasuries if Washington imposes trade sanctions to force a yuan revaluation.

Two officials at leading Communist Party bodies have given interviews in recent days warning - for the first time - that Beijing may use its $1.33 trillion (?658bn) of foreign reserves as a political weapon to counter pressure from the US Congress.

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

Big news! Koike meets Armitage! Wow thats something!
Richard Armitage is former Vietnam-era "cia covert operative", he used to 'sit ambush' on the trails in Laos and Cambodia, he liked killing. He was part of the Iran-Contra scandal (illegal transfers of weapons to Iran and the Contras) as planes were getting drugs out of Nicaragua and getting weapons in... and so many many other crimes, naming them all would be too long. He is the biggest devil in the Bush cabal.

Richard "THE KILLER" Armitage (this wikipedia entry is shy on details)
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, in an interview with CBS News 60 minutes on September 21, 2006, alleged that Armitage called an ISI general immediately after the September 11, 2001 attacks and threatened to "bomb the country (Pakistan) back to the stone age" unless they supported the US-led war on terror.

Koike also plans to meet with former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage on Wednesday.

Now i wonder what Armitage told Koike? I pretty sure there were threats of oil cut once they take control of Iran.
Did any J journalist dare to tell the public about the Armitage-Koike meeting and it's significance?


It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.
--David Brin

marcchabot said...

here you can hear his freaky voice:

Armitage and Woodward Audio Clip. Drug addiction experts have confirmed that former CIA opium trafficker,Iran Contra operative and asst. Secretary of State Richard Armitage's rapid and slurred speech pattern (as heard on this audio clip where he outed a CIA agent) is consistent with the effects of crystal methamphetamine. Listen and judge for yourself; worth a belly laugh in any event. Hear Army keep saying "yellow cake""yellow cake" and "she's cia" "she's cia". Woody finally seems to be able to understand Army's stoned garble as he says "oh, so she's wmd." What an animal house of stoners; no wonder everybody wants to work in the White House.

Valerie Plame is the wife of former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, and her secret identity was revealed as a revenge because Wilson revealed that the weapons of mass destruction were bogus. Armitage is the one that destroyed her carreer as a cia officer by blowing off her secret identity

Armitage is a "nice" man, isn't it?

Pidnny said...

Hi Marc. I've never known that Armitage is such a terrible guy… I just thought that he is a well-known member of CIA…oh, yeah, kind of well-known…maybe…

J media has never announced such an important meeting so far as much as I know. Is it a symptom that the coming war stepped further into a realization? Maybe…

Currently, a favorite topic of Japan media is Asashoryu, a highest rank in sumo.

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

hahahaha, oooh my goodness, you know what, it reminds me the end of 1989 when the Berlin wall was destroyed. at that time i was still watching tv and then they announced they were beginning to break the wall. it was an historical moment and i was watching all channels to see how different each one would cover this important moment. the most surprising was one of our local tv station
the way they corvered it was incredible, i had to wait the following hour again to make sure i was not dreaming: twice (or more, i only watched twice) they gave 15 seconds to the fall of the berlin wall and right away, the short berlin wall story was followed by a long 14 minutes story about our local hockey club. while those idiots where worried about what stupid hockey player was doing what, history was being written. now i am laughing loudly about it, but at that time i was disconcerted.

so while their new defence minister meets an american devil deep in the real power structure of the USA about the futur of their country, the average japanese citizens care about about a gaijin s'mo wrestler's fake injury story. wow, talk about futility and hollowness. i supposed it is easier to make money by selling sports stories where the citizen can project himself (as in projection, psychology) into "his" baseball team, so when his team wins, he wins and fell happy; while a complex real story about his country's futur appears gloomy is a hard sell, even harder to sell if it could make it difficult for political men to lie about reality. so the mass media are doing their job by hiding the important stuff and giving a lot of media coverage about the useless stuff, and sport stories cannot disturb political men...

"lieing by omission" is the most common form of lie, as they simply omit to tell you about the important stuff.

Everette Howard Hunt, Jr. died early this year and
his son tried for months to get mass medias to cover what his father had to tell about the JFK assassination. Not a single newspaper or tv station DARED to talk about it; only a few low profile radio stations had his son on the air talking about it and playing an audio recording of his father...

The mass media are not there to inform you, they are there to tell you what they want you to think. this is why the average citizen does not think; he regurgitates what is saw on tv, not matter how bogus the information is.

You might not have seen the movie Citizen Kane
but Kane is about William Randolph Hearst
and Hearst made it possible to wage the spanish-american war
by faking news, everything published by his newspapers were lies to shock and manipulate the american public and have their support to steal territories from Spain.

Today, with the modern media such as television, they go further by killing their own citizens (false flag, pretending to be arabic) to gain their support for their war.


Men argue; nature acts.

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

In my opinion, about Koike meetings in the USA and the war, it is more than a maybe, it is a big yes. First, this is more that just Koike, have you noticed that W Bush is meeting presidents of other nations about every 12 days? Britain, Russia, Afghanistan, Japan and now, France, and i think i'm forgetting one... That's a lot of private meetings in a really short time. During that time, they announced many billions of $ for armement for Israel and Arabic countries; China and Russia and Kazakhstana and Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are making a joint military exercise together... Look at a world map and check where those country are and how close they are to Iran and two of them have a direct border with Afghanistan.
Hamid Karzai went to see W Bush after that and said that Iran was a positive influence in Afghanistan, it all looks like Karzai dissagree with W Bush and does not want an invasion of Iran because he fears his country could be invaded by it's north-east border. This could mean world war three if China and/or Russia get involved to contest USA's invasion of Iran, as the total control of the arabia oil triangle (sixty per cent of all the recoverable oil on the planet is in an area no larger than the state of Indiana) is not good for China, no wonder why China uses threats of dumping his foreign exchange of US currency to crash the US dollar.

Russia & China head military operation

The six member countries of the SCO - China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - will all send troops to participate in the drills.

Every day, the stench of war is getting stronger.

A fews months before nine eleven, Dick Cheney change the law about air protection so that it require his personel approval before sending military planes to intercept civilian plane out of course;
this was a tell tale sign that they were going to need to use that on nine eleven, and they did; now the rewriting of government plans for after a terror attack is so shocking that even sitting members of Congress and Homeland Security officials are barred from viewing it:
this is a tell tale sign that they will need to use that "after a terror attack" plan. The fact that this plan is SO secret tells it all, can you imagine how a threat to Japan it would be if a gaijin were to read the J government's plan of emergency in case of big earthquake? I fail to see how it could be threatening, but apparently, the american plan of emergency is SO revealing that high ranking members of congress cannot view it, certainly because when one look at it, you can see where and when "it" will happen. For exemple, if it shows a specific state gets much more planning and ressources and the attack happens in that same state, it would reveal prior knowledge and complicity of the attack. I expect that plan to stay secret for the next 75 years.

Also, the USA government is leaking the official story they will use after the attack to journalists and members of congress, like Tom Tancredo over reacted to it and went overboard by saying that they should use nuclear weapon on religious islamic sites now to prevent an attack on u.s. soil; and now it is Stu Bykofsky whishing a new nine eleven, saying that a new terrorist attack on american would be good. This is as close as they can to admit that the US government is attacing it's own population for political purposes. Any closer that, they would actually have to say publicly that they are behind the nine eleven attack.

philadelphia daily news journalist Stu Bykofsky
Posted on Thu, Aug. 09, 2007
America's fabric is pulling apart like a cheap sweater.
What would sew us back together?
Another 9/11 attack.

Fox network try to defend Stu Bykofsky and his desire for a new 9/11

Get ready for food-price spike
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Dean Foods Co., the largest milk processor in the United States. Second-quarter profit fell 1.6% due to higher raw milk prices, the story said. What it failed to add was that CEO Greg Engles said Dean is "being challenged by the most stubbornly inflationary dairy markets in history," a global phenomenon that "feels like a perfect storm, and it isn't over." The culprit: rising costs to feed the cows. As private-equity captains and hedge-fund managers run for cover, the cost to feed cows, chickens -- and billions of people--is the not-yet front-page news everyone will be talking about, soon. Inflation is back. "The bigger story now is the global shortage of grains because of the changing diets, particularly of Chinese and Indians," he added, not to mention a surge in demand for biofuels derived from grains. Market watchers have come to accept the torrid economic growth in India and China has led to soaring oil and base-metal prices, but "what they didn't expect is these people would give up living on bowls of rice and pampadums," he said.


And we believe he (Saddam Hussein) has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons.
--Dick Cheney, March 16, 2003

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

Koike says she has to boost the morale of the military (260000 persons), she re-filled her translaror's glass :-) and she says the upper house can defeat the renewal of sdf extention law

The Japan Chair hosted Yuriko Koike Japan's Minister of Defense at CSIS in Washington. Minister Koike spoke about the security of Japan in the 21st century and the U.S. Japanese alliance.
August 9, 2007 VIDEO (wmv, 50:18),com_csis_events/task,view/id,1353/


Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
--Dr. Seuss

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

that's it, it just begun for the justification of their self inflicted wound; after leaking the official story at the top of the ladder, they keep leaking it going down the ladder, and now their are at the lowest: the citizen, by having their ally (Israel) fabricating the story the US authoties want, officialy it comes from "a rush of electronic chatter on al Qaeda sites"... that does not exist... you must have faith and be a believer, because they will never quote a URL of what website(s) they quote a nuclear attack will cause "a financial crisis", nice shot, the normal stock exchange crash will be blame on Al Qaeda, hahahahaha!

hah... this is so comical, the american public will swallow it all, you know, this new self inflicted wound will be much more believable because there won't be a lot of cameras filming it and because of the radiations they will have to evacuate the city and nobody will be able to film the destruction to watch for any discrepancies and the only available story will be the official story. The third pearl harbor will be much bigger and much more believable, so much, that the public will gradually forget nine eleven.

holy shit, as i am writing this, i'm am listening to an economic specialist in Texas and he says that the stock market is likely to crash hard and that even if the market do crash hard, it is totally feasible for the military to go on with a huge attack!! so, all the pieces of the puzzle are falling into the right places, the war with Iran WILL happen! 60% of all the US nuclear submarines are in the persian gulf, i expect a nuclear war.

Report: Al Qaida plans attack on 3 U.S. cities

DEBKAfile Exclusive: New Al Qaeda threat of radioactive truck attacks naming New York, Los Angeles, Miami


Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
--Dr. Seuss

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

shit... now the war is 100% sure, i recall less that 3 months ago, me and two other colleague at the office made a bet about the next self inflicted wound and one guy said Los Angeles, the other said San Francisco and I said Chicago, one said in November, the other did not say when and I said on September 9 (nine nine); they both said my prediction was way too early, now i think my prediction will much more accurate then their's, maybe we should i put money on that bet! 笑


Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock.
--Ben Hecht

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

the famous actor Charlie Sheen is currently finishing the narration of the movie "Loose Change Final Cut" and i have seen just two new interviews they have in this third version... and i hope they can finish and distribute the movie BEFORE the attack, otherwise this movie will be banned when the US government declare marshal law and it becomes a dictatorship

the censorship has already begun, Lollapalooza 2007 censorship in america from at&t:


marcchabot said...

enjoy the traffic jam while you go to your hometown (^_^)

Pidnny said...

Hi Marc. We have been having crazy hot days here in Sapporo, northern Japan. It is said that the temperature marked a record high. It will go down soon, though.

I know that the heat cannot be compared with the soaring tension in Iraq…

Reading your comments, I get to understand that with so many dead bodies, quite sadly, what America has been trying to do is for a convenient truth, 9/11 more convenient than seven eleven.

P.S. Shotgun weddings in talents or young popular baseball players are getting hot topic here!! It will be still much better than real GUN story, though…

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

Tarento's weddings are much better than real gun story for selling magazines, but for what will have an impact on your life, there are useless, unless of course if you own or $ell magasines. It's better to use that stuff than heroin to avoid the ugly reality though.

I have not given a penny to newspapers, radio or tv stations for almost ten years and if we had an equivalent of an NHK guy (we don't) coming door to door collecting fee, i would show him i don't have a tv and then make him run away by kicking his butt! I wonder if NHK guys are regularly slapped in the face or kicked in the butt?

Talking money, there was over 400 billion $ injected in the system worldwide just to avoid a banking meltdown, but they just postponed the crisis in an attempt to have a soft crash. When the US$ goes down big time against the Yen it will be interesting to see the end of the Yen carry trade and how much people will jump from building to kill themselves just like in 1929.

The fabrication of a "convenient truth" will be used by everybody, including Koike. If they choose to do "it" again on nine nine, it will be urgent urgent. The last six months of year 2007 will be more significant and will have more impact on our lives than the previous four or five years, on both political and economics. When all of these events blow over, it will be interesting to have a distant and broader view of it all, and maybe Abe won't look so selfish and stupid for not making Japan headless in that critical time frame, even if for just a small interval of time.

Karzai clearly disagree with the coming invasion of Iran.
Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, audaciously signalled his determination to counter US global power today by meeting his Afghan counterpart, Hamid Karzai, in open defiance of Washington's wishes.,,2148530,00.html

In Iraq, sex is traded for survival: I'm a nice-looking woman and it wasn't difficult to find a client. When we got to the bed I tried to run away … I just couldn't do it, but he hit and raped me. When he paid me afterwards, it was finished for me. When I came home with some food I had bought from that money and saw my children screaming of happiness, I discovered that honour is insignificant compared to the hunger of my children.
Bitter trade: Abu Ahmed had been initially approached by Shada, the alias of a woman living in Baghdad, who sought young women for Iraqi gangs running prostitution rackets in neighbouring Arab countries. Our priority is virgin girls; they can be sold at very expensive prices to Arab millionaires.


If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.
--George W. Bush, December 18, 2000