Friday, August 17, 2007

Middle Class Is Disappearing? Is this an effect of globalization?--from Japan

More than 30 % in total workers is not full-time worker in current Japan. The number seems not to decelerate.

Is Japan totally going to the American structure where the rich and the poor are nearly completely divided? Maybe. If houses are picked up from middle class, America may face a disastrous disorder of society. I hope that America would not repeat the similar situation of Japan after bubble exploded.

The number of car sales in Japan is quite tumbling. The president of Toyota looks puzzled, but he should know why. Youngsters. Youngsters are getting the short end of the stick. How can they purchase cars? Even clothes shops cannot attract people, including youngsters so much. Broke.

I though that Japan is in a bit dangerous situation thinking about the soaring debt, but it seems that America may be more dangerous... while I feel the power of China (though I cannot imagine the depth of their internal matters) or India. Talking about the hope for future, youngsters in China or India may have bright vision compared with those of Japan.

The time is really changing. As history shows, a big country cannot maintain forever. A turn is coming.


marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

Is the spy boss Akira Kamata the same Akira Kamata that was in the meti "energy division"?

Pakistan and Japan have stressed the need for enhanced and closer cooperation in areas of common interests.
This was discussed during a meeting between Defence Secretary Kamran Rasool and a five-member Japanese delegation led by Japanese Defence Intelligence Headquarters Deputy Director Akira Kamata that called on him here on Friday.

Director, New Energy Policy Division Akira Kamata


Pidnny said...

Hi Marc,

How were your summer holidays? To my surprise, I did not know the news you mentioned. I checked the name in google Japan, but I could not find any special information related to that person. I wonder why the news between Japan and Pakistan was not made public (Or I just missed…but I could not pick up in google Japan…).

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

yeah, pretty good summer vacations, but no travel outside of the country though.

if it wasn't missed, censorship should not be ruled out, as an exemple, i often heard many web sites complained they were censored by the "bury brigade" on and many times i thought it was because many of these web sites were seen as crazy by all those tv watchers, but when those at complained of the same systematic censorship, i knew that digg was not free as they claim, as there is nothing weird at the oil drum, i have watch the oil drum for a very long time and not a single time was there anything shocking nor "crazy" and no tv watcher can be shocked by anything on the oil drum, in fact, most people thing the oil drum is boring, yet their domain name is barred from digg; peak oil is a taboo subject

the current is being held at chateau montebello and our beloved dictator (baby-Bush) is meeting the canadian and mexican prime ministers and the media coverage of this event is just as bad as it was expected, with spectacular omissions and distortions... as usual


Pidnny said...

Hi Mark. It's good to hear that you had a good vacation. It's getting cool here and comfortable weather is back.

There are not so many hot topics here in Japan. No, serious topics are not discussed so much. Asashoryu, a top ranking sumo wrestler, is still dominating attention.

I will sometimes write something, though.

Let's have a good rest of year!!

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

No matter how many times i see this over and over again, it always make me smile to see the media omit the important and focus on the useless such as the exemple of a smo wrestler getting more media coverage than the country's capital city being on the verge of an electrical blackout (*1) similar to the one "we" (north east american continent) had to live with in august 2003 (*2); i wrote "we" because i was not affected by that where i live, but we had a similar result in january 1998 (*3).

If there is an electrical blackout in J this winter, you will have plenty to write about, that's for sure. Unless the coming winter in J is hotter that usual (*4) and require less heating than usual and get record snow falls bigger than last year. And while Keiko goes on with other military visits around the world (*5) there is a rumor she will use a bogus excuse to resign (*6), what is this all about? Do you have genuine information about was is really going on with Keiko or is the J press just as bad has our beloved dictator (*7)? I guess they downplay the fact that the SCO (the new nato of the east) is selling armement to their allies (*8) just like the US did. More war smell, and if J is not implicated directly, it will be financially, while the credit crunch hit the US (*9) the value of the Yen might go up faster (*10) than expected. On our side of the pond, there is more signs (*11) of the next self inflicted wound, not counting the pain of higher prices for food (*12) and oil (*13) as a new war for the control of oil field will obviously make crude oil price explode.

And film maker Aaron Russo (*14) just died of cancer at the age of 64 (February 14, 1943 - August 24, 2007)


Terrorism is theater
--Brian Michael Jenkins (Kroll inc.)

Blackout threat looms over Tokyo as Japan turns up the air-conditioner
The deals, which have been made in secret, are expected to affect hundreds of manufacturers with operations based in and around Tokyo. Nissan, the automotive giant, is understood to be among the companies that received a precautionary message from Tepco yesterday.

Northeast Blackout of 2003

la crise du verglas de 1998

Cold, hard facts take the heat out of some hot claims
Whatever the scientific implications of McIntyre's revelation, the rhetorical one is huge. America is the centre of the global debate on climate change. No longer will Americans or anyone else be able to say the hottest year on record in their great nation was 1998. Looking at the new top 10, it's hard to see any signs of global warming. The ranking, starting from the hottest year, goes: 1934, 1998, 1921, 2006, 1931, 1999, 1953, 1990, 1938, 1939.

Japanese Defence Minister Yuriko Koike with Defence Minister A.K. Antony outside the South Block in New Delhi on Friday.

Japan defence minister says wants to quit ?


Russian Weapons Go to Syria and Venezuela

Collapse Update from California
even rich people cannot get funding!

We haven't seen a bank run of this magnitude since...

the Yen could rocket faster and farther than it did in 1998

Chatter about an "incident" on West Coast at all time high
Two photos have been circulated showing two young "Middle East" looking men on board a ferry. The reluctance of the FBI to provide more details is reminiscent of the 2000 and 2001 closely-held government reports that a number of teams of between two and five to six young male and female Israelis, all veteran or reserve Israeli Defense Force members, were spotted casing federal facilities, oil refineries, harbor areas, homes of federal law enforcement officials, office buildings -- including the World Trade Center, bridges, tunnels, and military bases and airfields prior to and subsequent to the 9/11 attacks.

Wheat prices have hit record highs on global commodity markets, bringing the threat of rising bread prices.

You need to be investing now for $100 oil in the future.
I think we are already in a recession. I expect it to be powerful, but I don’t see it affecting the global demand for raw materials. Domestic demand for energy will continue to increase, regardless of a recession.

Historic Interview with Aaron Russo

marcchabot said...

Collapse Update from California
even rich people cannot get funding!

Pidnny said...

Hi Marc. Thanks a lot for your story.

As for the Keiko or the matter of Ministry of Defense, there is no detail information. I just feel that some people in Japan government may have thought that Keiko cannot pass the bill to extend the Special Law for Iraq. If so, anyways, she will be stepped down. She is kind of 土俵際(dohyogiwa)、on the edge of the ring.

If the blackout really happens, it will hurt Japan's economy disastrously. The electric power plant in Nigata stopped by the earthquake is critical. It's also 土俵際。

Have a nice holiday!!


marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

It looks like the possibility of another pearl harbor can happen before September 21st, 2007, as, AGAIN, massive "put options" could make one person make money if the government attack it's own citizens to fake a terrorist attack or if the chinese dump massive amount of US dollar. it seems that one person knows something we don't and think the stock market 土俵際 and he can make profit out of it. let's hope he's just a rich bastard making a wild bet; and not a genuine insider with true knowledge!

$4.5 billion options bet on catastrophe within four weeks
Marc Parent

Mystery trader bets market will crash by a third
Renée Schultes


Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again.
--Ben S. Bernanke, Nov. 8, 2002 (Fed Chairman, talking to economist Milton Friedman)

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

Local Troops Deploy To Nation's Capital
Members of the 1st Battalion 265 Air Defense Artillery have mobilized and are on a plane headed first to Ft. Bliss, then for federal active duty in the capital region. They are ordered by the president to the nation's capital, where they will operate high-tech weapons systems against any potential air threat.

Since when do Washington DC need to be protected by a air defense artillery? Do they expect to be attacked by long range missiles as if Russia had declare war to USA? Do they know something we don't?


Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and i care not who makes it's laws.
--Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1838)

marcchabot said...

More Investors Are Betting on Major Selloff in Stocks
By Jim Kingsland, 27 Aug 2007, 09:13 PM
over $500 million in so-called put options have been purchased betting that the benchmark Standard and Poor's 500 index will tumble anywhere from 5% to 11% in September. Some investors are even buying put options calling for 52% decline.
The upshot is that some major investors are putting up big money that the market is facing a major decline.
We don't know who the end users of these options are and often they are specialists, pros looking at arbitrage plays

apparently, those guys know stuff we don't!

Pidnny said...

Hi Marc. I can't believe that the next war is coming so soon…but, if such a big money is invested…

By the way, the access to hotmail or ebay in seller's page became quite difficult since yesterday afternoon. This is quite rare and I doubt they were hacked (maybe not). Yeah, this will be not related.

Anyways, I know that stock market in America is moving rapidly recently and dropped a lot today, too. I strongly hope that thing goes well without the war. That's it.

In addition, I hope that government of America will "go back to" the original ideal for the people. Why I am saying this suddenly? Because…Asashoryu, the highest ranking sumo wrestler, finally "goes back to" his original place, Mongolia. Maybe, it's time to go back.


marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

More often than not, ebay and hotmail problems are akamai (*4) problems as they are the one that make A-records resolve to a local IP addresses for load distribution (when you go to your computer go an IP address different than mine going to the same, but hotmail and ebay have had their scores of problems, the most famous was when hotmail made the switch from BSD to Exchange, i have a snippet of this fuckup on my web site, and more recently when hotmail implemented their new anti spam policies in late April 2007, just after the AOTS of this year (*3), it was highly comical to see emails for them dissapeering into thin air inside they own system, giggle!

Despite increase in revenu per shares, ebay stocks are going lower because the price of oil is going up forever, at a certain point, individual shipping from a seller to a buyer will become just too expensive and ebay's sells will shrink accordingly. Ebay's futur is uncertain.

It is possible that these put options mean the next pearl harbor is coming in September, but it could also be just inside knowledge about Bernanke changing the Federal Reserve policy in an unexpected way in September that will make the stock exchange drop. Personally, i think a pearl harbor is more likely because an old journalist in Texas (that had good sources in the past) had an insider revealed that the Bush administration's B plan was non nuclear with numerous conventional terrorists attack in many states, even in small towns; so if plan A (as in atomic) fails they might choose their plan B. In 2001, two months before the second pearl harbor, an insider revealed what would happen to the twin towers, and a month before David Schippers (*1) went public with the stories of many FBI agents frustrated of having their investigations on terrorists stopped by the administration, telling him an "event" will happen. Not counting John O'Neil (*2) that got his investigation stop by presidential orders, all he could say publicly was that Bush was linked with the Bin Laden family. O'Neill was killed in the twin towers' collapse. There was so many tips about what was coming before nine eleven that many radio listeners were calling the white house asking them not to attack the twin towers; of course, they were all labeled "crazy" and nothing was done.


Terrorism is theater --Brian Michael Jenkins (Kroll inc.)


marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

wow... just after i wrote that, i saw that Cynthia McKinney any many others went public with a letter warning the citizen that the Bush cabal is prepared to stage an event as a pretext for war with Iran!


None are more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

Pidnny said...

Hi Marc. The problem of Ebay and hotmail seemed to be solved. I can access smoothly now. It seems that it was caused by Yahoo BB owned by SoftBank or NTT may be related, though not sure. I thought that it will be easy for somebody to destroy or control the current society by using internet. I don't know how much damage was caused by the trouble this time. There was no news about this although I think that this time much have been a bit serious.

I read the link about the war information. I understand that coming war is no more wow.


marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

the news about what really goes on about the internet is only visible to network operators chatting together, here it is nanog, in japan it might be janog or another group of J network operators. it is impossible to know what is really going on by reading the news; you would be surprised by what i can learn by reading nanog everyday

at this moment there is a frenzy of "awaken" u.s. citizens getting rid of their u.s. dollars, so they buy gold, guns and ammo, and canned food while their money still have some value before the crash... While the vast majority of "asleep" citizens keep watching their tv


Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce... when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.
--James Garfield, 20th President Of U.S., Assassinated, 1881