Friday, August 31, 2007

A Retirement Allowance with 50% Increase for a Police Who Murdered a Woman--from Japan

There was a surprising murder caused by a police in Japan, but there was one more surprise.

The senior policeman who stoked a woman tenaciously and finally killed is supposed to get 1.2 million Japanese yen, a retirement allowance that is 50% higher than usual case. Lots of claims occurred from Japanese citizens. Of course...

The police killed the woman with his pistol and committed suicide afterwards. What kind of organization gives the retirement allowance with 50% plus to a person who murdered? This happened in police organization of Japan. Can you believe it?

Why? It is said that it's the law. Law. According to the law in Tokyo, it seems that the retirement allowance should be paid except for such as dismissal in disgrace. However, he is criminal. How can he get the retirement money that is paid by tax? Plus 50%? Oh my goodness!!

This incident shows that government organizations focus on the laws more than common sense, tenaciously. Can't laugh...


marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

can't laugh but can smile; i sure did laugh a lot when i read about the "money burning policemen" in your pdf book, that was even more extreme and thus irresistibly comical; the level of hubris of these parasites seems to be limitless, tonosama shobai

when i look back at all these public exposures of reality (scandals) about the usual (natural?) behavior of LDP consisting of siphoning the pockets of J citizens (like Takehiko Endo yesterday) as if their were slaves to be exploited (it looks like they are), i realise that all of that consist of finding deep and obscure paper trails, and even then, you have to know the laws and rules to know what to look for, have a lot of free time to dig in all that paperwork... and have access to the paperwork. to what extent are the civil servants getting revenge at the LDP for the civil-service reforms? or the expected futur civil-service reforms? assuming that the reforms are real and not just cosmetic on the surface. the public exposure of reality about... what was it, the double billing of something.. you know, the "scandal" that was revealed just two days before the election. there are so many of these scandals that i'm having a hard time to follow them, even less remember them! anyway, the timing of all these public exposures of reality say a lot about it. they are released evenly in time to get the maximum effect, this is déjà vu all over again, it reminds me about similar stuff in Canada and USA. not being in power, the DPJ can only be attacked with the dirty little secrets of their personal life.

it will be interesting to see the DPJ exploit the war to get elected, and how the war will be sold to the J citizens. when will the DPJ choose their best timing to provoke an election of the lower chamber (can they?), how would they do it to force the LDP to make an election?

Since the beginning of the year, and maybe even before, i keep reading that J's economic recovery is happening (*2), yet, i keep seing reports of more middle class income reduction, and those statistic showing that about 20% of those slave workers using "internet café" to sleep at night are over 50 years old. What the heck, where is that economic recovery? only in the big corporations? or maybe the policemen are just burning more money!

METI just increase import of crude oil from the middle east in July (*1), surely the result of the Kashiwazaki earthquake July 15th, 2007.

USA still on the verge of fuel failure (*3)
"It's really been extremely hard to find gasoline, and diesel fuel is just as bad,” Satrang said. “I’ve never seen anything like it in almost 30 years of management.”

Bin Laden Trades (*4) are being denied, yet, they admit this: 「 it's a lot easier to "hide" a big trade in the Spyders than the SPX options, which are only traded on the Chicago Board of Option Exchange and will be seen and facilitated by a tight-knit group of market makers. 」It will be intersting to see if the third pearl harbor happens in Chicago, where those massive put options where traded on the cboe! The only positive news coming out of it, is that the Federal Reserve has a meeting on the 18th and that might be the reason for the put options on the 21st. Lets hope it is just for that reason. 「 Frederick said the position leaves him more confused than scared, although he wouldn't dismiss the frightening conclusion bloggers have come to. "It is also interesting that the anniversary of 9/11 occurs between now and the expiration of these options," he writes. "Perhaps there is speculation that another attack is in the works." 」


I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time.
--HL Mencken

Iran's crude export to Japan surges§ionid=351020103

Japan unemployment rate improved to 3.6 percent in July; prices, production slipped

Pressure at the pump
Pressure at the pump§ion=News&forumcomm_check_return&freebie_check&CFID=51236103&CFTOKEN=25045545&jsessionid=8830f15b07eb5b76217c

Dispelling the 'Bin Laden' Options Trades

Pidnny said...

Hi Marc. Thanks a lot for talking about the PDF that only you purchased and I have stopped to sell recently!! I understand that it was almost out of people's interest...... I should have written about J pop, Sushi, Sumo, etc!!

Scandals in many fields do not stop. Actually, the scandal in police organization was really critical for citizens to get disappointed with this country, government organization, I personally think. Sometimes, I found news that young policeman committed suicide. I feel that he might have suffered from the corruption of the organization. Gap between the ideal that youngsters tend to have and the reality seems to be getting larger and larger thinking that the society is getting worse… The young police might have died of the despair.

What Japanese youngsters need under current society may be easygoingness like me!! Haha, oh, yeah, the book I should write may be "Owarai" story, jokes, but I just lose confidence to see the series of jokes that the Japan government has performed...

marcchabot said...

hello Shodo (^_^)

writing about sushi, giggle, those stereotypes seem instoppable due to the abysmal lack of knowledge of the average "Joe Public"; although it is a classic to see that Joe Public is only interested in himself and can only focus on a story where he can project himself as the main character as he go throught the whole book (or movie), it can also be said that the media are the one dumbing down the public by using the lowest common denominator to get as much rating possible. it's the classic "chicken and egg" syndrome where you cannot know who made who in the first place.

sterotype can be use for evil, like the actual media brainwash where the word "Iran" is always together with "nuclear", which is possible because Joe Public knows nothing about iranian, having never watch an iranian movie (or book), even less able to name a single iranian movie director or writer; the less they know, the more they can be lied to.

it is possible for you to write a comedy about the infinite J government corruption and total disdain for it's own citizens. the most commonly used framework is "the quest" where the main character goes through many problems to solve before winning. starting with an empty white page is a mistake, it has to be analytical, choose the framework, the public you want to target, how they will be able to "project" themselve on the main character, and so on. it could be a new university graduate getting a job as a civil servant.


The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.
-- Horace Walpole

marcchabot said...

No more oil in Zimbabwe.
It surely must be the fuel shortage. Actually, to call it a shortage is an understatement. It should be termed a total disappearance of a petroleum by-product. Fuel has become so scarce that some of us have difficulties in imagining what it looked or smelt like.
The queue here is on the verge of getting in the Guinness Book of Records in terms of its length and the amount of time people have stuck it out just to get the mandatory 20 litres. Ironically, this is the same amount of fuel that one uses to get from the end of the queue to the station. Logic tells me that those who choose to line up are doomed to a lifetime of queuing.

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo.

finally a good news!
for once, something positive is coming from the neo-consevatives, they are giving orders to the propaganda machine (mass media) to sell the war with Iran to the naive citizens. how is that a good news you'd say? well, before, they would have staged a terrorist attack to convince the citizens and then bomb Iran; now it seems they will just use propaganda to convince the citizens and then bomb Iran. still, many innocent iranians will still be assassinated... that's the strange "good" news

They [the source’s institution] have “instructions” (yes, that was the word used) from the Office of the Vice-President to roll out a campaign for war with Iran in the week after Labor Day; it will be coordinated with the American Enterprise Institute, the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, Commentary, Fox, and the usual suspects. It will be heavy sustained assault on the airwaves, designed to knock public sentiment into a position from which a war can be maintained. Evidently they don’t think they’ll ever get majority support for this—they want something like 35-40 percent support, which in their book is “plenty.”


Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock.
--Ben Hecht

marcchabot said...

more bonds to finance the debt, that means more money to burn for the policemen, giggle!

Japan MoF sets coupon on 10-year bonds at 1.7 percent
Designated as No 288 issue, the bonds will be issued on Sept 20 and will mature on Sept 20, 2017, the ministry said

Pidnny said...

Hi Marc. Mass Media is really...sigh...what? Yeah, it must be a good tool to brainwash people.

As for the war in Iran, yesterday or two days ago, there was negative news about Iran. It reported that Iran is trying to expand nuclear facilities or something like that. Japan Media may be cooperating with America Media or brainwashed by America Media or somebody, maybe.

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo.

it is true that Iran intend to expend their uranium enrichment facilities, but media lie by omission; all arabic people from oil exporting countries have that saying: "my father was riding a camel, i drive a car, my son will pilot a plane, and my grandson will ride a camel". they are all fully aware that oil re$erves will not last forever and that they have to prepare for it. peak oil is taboo, the media cannot tell the J public what every iranians know as a obvious; telling iranian citizens about peak oil is like telling them that "water is wet", they already know.

the first iranian attempt at nuclear electric production was in the 1970's when the Shah of Iran (american puppet) was the president but the first bud of it was nipped by the americans; after the iranian revolution (americans were expelled), an embargo on spare parts for planes, oil rigs, refineries and many other stuff was put in place by the americans to punish the iranians as strongly as they could. they lack so much refinery capacity that they have to get refined gazoline for their cars from other countries. obviously, if they want to grow their economy and population, it means more cars and more electrical power (oil produced electricity); obviously, they have to reduced their dependence on oil because in a few decades their won't be any oil left, but also with the american embargo, using nuclear electrical power plant will enable to use the oil for cars instead of oil electrical power plant.

their need for nuclear electrical power plant is genuine and real

about six months ago (i think it was in May or April) it was quite comical to see Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the iranian tv in a show of their capacity to make their own nuclear fuel with 3000 centrifuges, he was patriotically crying and weeping tears and all; but last month there were sceptics about the real capacity and those 3000 centrifuges as the iranians media repeted it, as if this time it was real that they have sufficient capacity to make enough of their own nuclear fuel, even in western media; it goes to show that iranian authorities are so desperate to show their population they can solve their energy problems

this summer (in July i think) they were conflicts (on tv and newspapers) about the real reasons for the delays (about one year late) of the construction of their nuclear electrical power plant. a russian made nuclear electrical power plant.

basically, the iranian citizens are being lied to about how late and ineffective the nuclear electrical solution is

way before those problems and delays about iranian made nuclear fuel were known, the american cia estimated that Iran could manufacture a nuclear bomb in ten years or more, now, it is certainly much more than ten years, IF they want to make a nuclear bomb

Iran is in a race to solve their own energy crisis.
The USA is in a race to solve their own energy crisis.
It look likes both of them cannot win, and this conflict could be transformed into world war 3 if the chinese or russian react...

the american media omit these facts, but more, they omit the past and well known facts, like the former #1 general of the 1991 gulf war (*1) and Robert Gates, the currect spy boss telling how (*2) getting IN iraq would mean having to MANAGED iraq, be like a dinosaure in tar pit, having to pay and rebuild it, and be sucked into a QUAGMIRE; also, Dick Cheney (*3) also know and admited that if you take down the government of iraq it would break the country in many parts and get many dead american soldiers and so on.

They are telling you, right in your face, that they know that invading Iraq WILL turn into a quagmire. Obviously, getting there to steal their oil and killing a lot of them, the iraqis won't be happy and will rebel against the invation. They are not going to says, please, kill us and take our oil, thanks!

So the media involve the american citizens into false debates about how (or not) they are loosing the war, making them believe that they invaded because of the weapons of mass destruction. When the other political party blame Bush for loosing the war, they help the president to maintain the lie. They are winning the war, the goal is to steal and kill; but they cannot admit the real goal, so they predent they are failing to create a democracy in Iraq and so on...

Those debates about the war the american public see and hear is always based on a bogus premice, the premice of the weapons of mass destruction. It is futile to debate on anything if the premice is wrong. This is how the media help maintain the official lie about the REAL objectives of the war by repeating for YEARS in a row those flase debates about if they win or not the war about the reconstruction of Iraq and other lies.

they sell you the war the same way they sell you coke and suntory (*4)

imagine a tv debate between two members of the J diet, one LDP and one DPJ, about how the massive surplus (because of the keen money management and investment of the government) of the pension system should be distributed to the senior citizens; one arguing they should create a new fifty gazillion yen paper bill, the other that using gold bars would be better; to avoid the pain of the senior citizens of having to transport such a massive load of paper money in their wallet when they get their pension funds...

this debate would just as insane as the current debate about if they are or not winning the war in Iraq

About Iran, notice how they avoid to use the words "weapons of mass destruction", it's always nuclear bombs and never"weapons of mass destruction" because it would be too obvious they are using the same lie twice, and indeed, they are using the same lie twice. The mass media omit a lot of informations, distort the rest to "spin" the news the way Bush wants it and use false debates to put fake reality in the minds of people. A brainwash.

As i am writing this, "the campaign for war with Iran in the week after Labor Day" has begun with fear news, terrorist plot in Germany and military nuclear fear in the USA. Well, just in time for the fear campain for war with Iran. Right on queue. Giggle!!!


The Stone Age did not end for lack of stone, and the Oil Age will end long before the world runs out of oil.
--Sheikh Zaki Yamani (Saudi Arabia's oil minister in the 1970's)

Norman Schwarzkopf,_Jr.

Schwarzkopf & Gates on why we DIDN'T invade Baghdad in 1991.

Cheney in 1994 on Iraq
Cheney, April 15th 1994, Warning That An Invasion of Iraq Would Lead to 'Quagmire'
Here is the transcript:
Q: Do you think the U.S., or U.N. forces, should have moved into Baghdad?
A: No.
Q: Why not?
A: Because if we'd gone to Baghdad we would have been all alone. There wouldn't have been anybody else with us. There would have been a U.S. occupation of Iraq. None of the Arab forces that were willing to fight with us in Kuwait were willing to invade Iraq. Once you got to Iraq and took it over, took down Saddam Hussein's government, then what are you going to put in its place? That's a very volatile part of the world, and if you take down the central government of Iraq, you could very easily end up seeing pieces of Iraq fly off: part of it, the Syrians would like to have to the west, part of it -- eastern Iraq -- the Iranians would like to claim, they fought over it for eight years. In the north you've got the Kurds, and if the Kurds spin loose and join with the Kurds in Turkey, then you threaten the territorial integrity of Turkey. It's a quagmire if you go that far and try to take over Iraq. The other thing was casualties. Everyone was impressed with the fact we were able to do our job with as few casualties as we had. But for the 146 Americans killed in action, and for their families -- it wasn't a cheap war. And the question for the president, in terms of whether or not we went on to Baghdad, took additional casualties in an effort to get Saddam Hussein, was how many additional dead Americans is Saddam worth? Our judgment was, not very many, and I think we got it right.

former publicist Douglas Rushkoff

marcchabot said...

look at that, hahahaha

marcchabot said...

Staging Nukes for Iran?
By Larry Johnson on Sep 5, 2007 in Current Affairs

Why the hubbub over a B-52 taking off from a B-52 base in Minot, North Dakota and subsequently landing at a B-52 base in Barksdale, Louisiana? That’s like getting excited if you see a postal worker in uniform walking out of a post office. And how does someone watching a B-52 land identify the cruise missiles as nukes? It just does not make sense.

So I called a old friend and retired B-52 pilot and asked him. What he told me offers one compelling case of circumstantial evidence. My buddy, let’s call him Jack D. Ripper, reminded me that the only times you put weapons on a plane is when they are on alert or if you are tasked to move the weapons to a specific site.

Then he told me something I had not heard before.

Barksdale Air Force Base is being used as a jumping off point for Middle East operations. Gee, why would we want cruise missile nukes at Barksdale Air Force Base. Can’t imagine we would need to use them in Iraq. Why would we want to preposition nuclear weapons at a base conducting Middle East operations?

His final point was to observe that someone on the inside obviously leaked the info that the planes were carrying nukes. A B-52 landing at Barksdale is a non-event. A B-52 landing with nukes. That is something else.

Now maybe there is an innocent explanation for this? I can’t think of one. What is certain is that the pilots of this plane did not just make a last minute decision to strap on some nukes and take them for a joy ride. We need some tough questions and clear answers. What the hell is going on? Did someone at Barksdale try to indirectly warn the American people that the Bush Administration is staging nukes for Iran? I don’t know, but it is a question worth asking.

marcchabot said...

Zimbabwe: Main Baker Almost Out of Flour
Published: September 6, 2007
Zimbabwe's biggest baker said it had all but run out of flour, raising fears that the nation's chronic bread shortage will soon get much worse, the state-run newspaper The Herald reported. The baker, Lobels, said it had exhausted its 4,000-ton reserve of wheat flour and had but two days・supply left. Zimbabwean millers have largely stopped producing flour, and news reports state that a 36,000-ton flour shipment from abroad is stalled in a Mozambique port because Zimbabwe lacks the foreign currency to pay for it. Bread and other staples have been in increasingly short supply since late June, when the government ordered all prices cut by half in an attempt to combat hyperinflation.

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo.

numerous loss of jobs
a public exposure of reality by the labor department puts the government officials in a bad position, so they have to downplay the report; others not biased can tell it the way it is for real

The unexpectedly bleak report of 4,000 fewer non-farm jobs shocked financial markets that had anticipated continued job creation and drove down stock prices and the dollar's value. "It's dreadful," said Michael Metz, chief investment strategist for Oppenheimer & Co. "It shows the so-called support for the economy from rising employment is rapidly eroding and to me it seems almost inevitable we are heading for recession." The chairman of the Congressional Joint Economic Committee, Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer, said the soft jobs report was "a punch to the gut of our economy" that implied the subprime lending crisis threatens to engulf the broader economy. The Dow Jones industrial average plunged at the start of trade and was down was down more than 200 points in mid-afternoon. The dollar's value hit a 15-year low against other key currencies. "Everything in this number looks bad and we know things got worse. Fed has to act," said Andrew Brenner, market analyst for MF Global in New York.


People know that inflation erodes the real value of the government's debt and, therefore, that it is in the interest of the government to create some inflation.
--Ben S. Bernanke, Fed Chairman

marcchabot said...

more proof Ghawar has peaked

The World In Numbers October 2007 Atlantic Monthly
The worldfs most essential oil field may be in decline.
by James D. Hamilton

No country is more important to oil markets than Saudi Arabia. The kingdom produced roughly 9.2 million barrels of crude a day in 2006, and accounted for 19 percent of world oil exports. Many analysts expect it to supply a quarter of the worldfs added production over the next few years. And as the only producer with significant excess capacity, it has played a crucial role in alleviating temporary supply disruptions, increasing daily production by 3.1 million barrels during the first Gulf War, for example, when oil production in Iraq and Kuwait dropped by 5.3 million barrels.

voir la photo attachee

The Ghawar oil field is the kingdomfs crown jewel. Stretching for more than 150 miles beneath the desert, it is the largest known deposit in the world. It produces perhaps twice as much oil as any other field, and has doubtless accounted for more than half of Saudi Arabiafs oil production. Yet the Saudis have been removing oil from this reservoir for half a century. Sooner or later, its production must fall.

The Saudis do not release data on how much oil they are extracting from individual wells, or on the remaining reserves of individual oil fields. But the total amount that the kingdom produces has been declining, down a million barrels a day over the last two years of data.

The Saudis have claimed these cuts have been in response to weak demand. However, the big drop in production began in the spring of 2006, when the price of oil was rising from $60 to $74 a barrel; the claim that no one wanted to buy Saudi Arabiafs light crude strains credulity. The drop in production has also coincided with a huge new Saudi effort to find and pump more oil: The number of active oil rigs in Saudi Arabia has tripled over the past three years.

Frustrated by the lack of hard data on Ghawar, Stuart Staniford, a computer scientist with a doctorate in physics, has conducted a painstaking study of publicly available information. His research has been reported at, a Web site that analyzes energy markets.

The Saudis have developed Ghawar by using peripheral water injection? water is pumped into the reservoir, driving the remaining oil to the surface. More details about Saudi production were available before 1980, allowing Staniford to infer that the depth of the remaining oil column in northern Ghawar at that time was about 500 feet. Evidence from many sources suggests that the water level has been rising at about 18.4 feet per year. If you extrapolate that trend, this would mean that the northern part of Ghawar is by now quite depleted.

Staniford has also built a detailed computer simulation of the Ghawar reser-voir, based on its size and shape, the porosity and permeability of its rock, and the assumed oil-extraction rates. The results of this simulation line up remarkably well with Stanifordfs other calculations. Oil production from northern Ghawar has likely peaked.

Southern Ghawar still holds a lot of oil, and perhaps the kingdomfs push to find new fields will bear fruit. But northern Ghawar was developed first because it was by far the most promising field. Its production cannot be easily replaced. At about the same time that Saudi production began its decline, the new Haradh project in southern Ghawar began producing perhaps an additional 300,000 barrels a day. The Saudis have also made a huge investment to reopen the Qatif field on the eastern coast, which they had abandoned in 1995; it is now producing an estimated half-million barrels a day. With Saudi production falling despite these new contributions, the situation could be serious.

At a bare minimum, the era when excess Saudi capacity could cushion geopolitical disruptions in oil supplies may well be over, even though the threat of such disruptions is greater than ever. And if Saudi production continues to decline even as world demand keeps growing, in a few years we will look back at the summer of 2007 as the last of the days when gasoline?even at $3.50 a gallon?was still plentiful and cheap.

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo.

new bin laden "scarecrow" video released just in time to "sell the war", hah hah hah

this is SO comical, try to find an owarai than can top it off, giggle! there was another bin laden video released by intelcenter (*1) just before the last election to help Bush, now another one to help sell the war, a few months ago (july?) the used an old one that had been already used two times... bin lander keeps helping Bush over and over again, right on cue, just in time; those who take the bait again this time are really gullible; (big giggle)!


Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.
--Dick Cheney, August 26, 2002

And we believe he (Saddam Hussein) has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons.
--Dick Cheney, March 16, 2003

intelcenter is run by Ben Venzke, a former director of idefense (a verisign company).
The Director of Threat intelligence at idefense, Jim Melnick, served 16 years in the US army and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and worked in psychological operations.
Prior to joining iDefense, Mr. Melnick served with distinction for more than 16 years in the U.S. Army and the Defense Intelligence Agency. During this period, Mr. Melnick served in a variety of roles, including psychological operations

Pidnny said...

Hi Marc. Do you know that Bush mispronounced APEC for OPEC in the APEC meeting? He embarrassingly showed how much he loved oils to the world. It seems that the oils he loved made his mouth slippery. (lol)

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo.

i did not, but now that you told me, i looked for it, and yes, it was comical :-)

while Bush was chatting with others in Australia, his minions were putting "spin" on the unemployment numbers to minimise it, while in fact (*1) a graphic about the duration of unemployment numbers proves it is important and a good sign of an economic recession

yesterday, i was surprised to see france24 show both the new and an old footage of the scarecrow (bin laden) at the same time on the screen and comment that he looked 20 years younger than the old footage. Usually they just show the new tape and tell you what you are supposed to believe and that they want you to believe, counting on the laziness of the public of not going on their computer to look at old tapes to compare. this was yesterday, now it's gone, but for a while, they were showing to the everage lazy telespectator more than he was supposed to see. more that just the global appearance of the scarecrow, the beard color and the difference of facial muscles, especially on the forehead. so, the scarecrow is supposed to have hair coloring and botox shots in the face? now he is getting estetic beauty parlor type of treatments or what? it would take more that just botox shots for the difference of forehead facial muscles. maybe be in the next tape, five years later, they'll make him even younger and have Bush tell us that the scarecrow gets younger because he made a pact with the devil, that he is evil and "we are good", pray to the Lord, and so on... and how was the scarecrow used in J? was is fearfull enough to scare the children? giggle.

next month, the military will make a drill about a terrorist nuclear attack (*2) as they tell in their fact sheet (*3); in the video visible in that page the beginning speech "would martial law" is mangle but the rest is okay. when they write that they use hurrican katrina as a test lab to implement martial law, it is an understatement.

now that Bush is so obviously pushing for a definitive pretext to bomb Iran, the chinese are inflating their military capability (*4) even more that usual in their "military oversea expenditure", not detailing if they meant long range missiles or aircraft carrier warships... oil control in itself is a major war tool as this can affect their exporting economy (*5) seriously if the price of oil goes to high so that the price of "cheap chinese goods" can no longer said to be cheap because of transport


The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.
--George W. Bush, September 13, 2001

I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority.
--George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

the duration of unemployment numbers
Greenspan needs glasses, employment data surprise consensus economists, stocks tank

KSLA reporting that members of clergy will be used to convince people to submit to government in the case of declare martial law
NORTHCOM Plans 5 Day Martial Law Exercise

These linked exercises will take place 15 - 20 October 2007 and are being conducted throughout the United States with several partner nations (Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom), as well as the Territory of Guam. National Level Exercise 108 will include the simulated detonation of three radiological dispersal devices within the USNORTHCOM and U.S. Pacific Command areas of responsibility.

The Chinese Ministry of Finance has recently announced that it would issue 1.55 trillion yuan in special bonds in order to buy $200 billion in foreign currency to fund China's new military oversea expenditure.§ionid=3510304

Palestinians favour cheap Chinese goods - 8 Sep 2007

marcchabot said...

this is almost as if the authorities were planning hunger and death on purpose to reduce the number of people alive, they, on purpose, order a closure of an oil refinery in Buenos Aires that will shrink the supplies of diesel fuel for farmers to sow corn and soybeans for next year's crops

Pidnny said...

Hi Marc. How's your holiday?

As for the latest figure of the bin laden, I am not sure so much about it because I could not see the picture in TV (I don't watch it so much, though). It seems that many Japanese do not care about it so much… In addition, many of them would not know or imagine the truth of 9/11.

Prices here in Japan seem to go higher gradually as well. Ordinary people are forced to pay for something terrible caused by somebody horrible.

Hope that good people are saved from "been laden".

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo.

well that is one question i was asking myself after i visited 911eyewitness. for something like a year, well, over nine months for sure, right wing american media, mostly radio and tv, keep mentioning martial law as something necessery, even wonderfull. the main media insanity is reaching unprecedent level. as the probability of such an event seems more probable than ever, i began to dig in all my flash video siphoned for the internet over the passed years and i looked back at the source, i noticed that many had "second edition" with added never seen before footage, and such stuff. none of them never have a second language. none except for 911eyewitness, and it's nihongo; so i asked myselft the chicken and egg question: if it was done because there was japanese demand for it, or if they add at least one member of the crew that was japanese to make the additional soundtrack without having to pay big money to add the additional language.

it will be interesting to see the inflation rate skyrocket as the food prices keep going up, especially if the super low interest rate in J goes higher, that combined with a more valuable Yen would reduce severely (stop it completly?) the Yen carry trade and the effect on the stock markets will be highly visible. The only way to keep the carry trade would be if we had a 25% interest rate like we had in 1975, and if it happens, watch how many people will loose their houses... just like in the 197x's. expensive fuel, expensive food, skyrocketing interest rates, all of this while TV tells their zombie watching spectators that all is fine, keep spending.

the 6th anniversary is really close and it attracts many people in N.Y. and this is one result visible to the "tv watching people", what is comical is the fox news, sexy women airliner and restroom gay sex, the more sex they put on tv the more they sell? this is soft porn news, giggle!

if baka Abe quits because the upper house stop the renewal of the military mission, will it be just a change of minister inside the LDP or an election of the lower house?


An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.
-- Aldous Huxley

marcchabot said...

i forgot the youtube version

marcchabot said...

In Japan, the price of instant noodles, a staple, has risen for the first time in 17 years. Grain traders said it was difficult to know how much further prices could climb.

Italians set to boycott pasta as the price of wheat reaches record highs
A PASTA price backlash is looming in Italy, the cost of a Hovis loaf has hit £1 in some shops in Britain and desperate Spanish farmers are selling off suckling pigs they can no longer afford to feed.

There was no respite in sight yesterday for food consumers or producers as the price of wheat soared further, to record highs.

Reports of damage to Australia's crop, set against rising global demand for basic foodstuffs, saw wheat buyers rush to lock in supplies. Resulting heavy demand drove up prices in the United States and Europe.

European wheat futures hit a record 300 a tonne yesterday, after a year in which prices have doubled. In Britain, Premier Foods, which makes Hovis, Mothers Pride and Homepride bread, has raised prices by about 5p a loaf.

In Japan, the price of instant noodles, a staple, has risen for the first time in 17 years.

Zimbabwe's Lobels Bread, the country's major bread producer, has cut daily production to 40,000 loaves from 200,000 in May. Deteriorating "flour availability" means it can no longer afford wheat from neighbouring Mozambique, the firm said.

In Spain, suckling pigs are being sold at half price by desperate farmers after the price of feed wheat doubled.

Robert Schofield, chief executive at Premier Foods, said prices had seen "an unprecedented increase" and warned of further rises. Some analysts warn bread could become a luxury item. The price of staple foods has risen in Italy by 30 per cent recently. A 1lb pack of pasta costs about 50p compared to up to £1.10 in Britain, but consumer groups are demanding a boycott on 13 September. Italy's leading flour maker, Grandi Molini Italiani, and pasta and poultry producers are planning further price increases, shocking Italians, said to choose pasta over sex.

Rising wealth and consumption in India and China have seen Asian demand for flour soar. The green trend for bio-fuels is also blamed for boosting demand for grain.

The US Department of Agriculture, meanwhile, reports world wheat stocks are falling to a 26-year low of less than 115 million tonnes.

But the trigger for this week's price rises was hot winds sweeping across western Australia, causing severe damage to the already struggling wheat crop. Australia's wheat crop could now be two million tonnes lower than even the most pessimistic forecasts, said Kim Chance, western Australia's agriculture minister. Australia's weather trouble "compounds what is already a fairly desperate problem", said Simon Ingle, head of milling wheat for Britain's largest farmer-run grain co-operative, Grainfarmers. "This is extremely serious. Importing nations such as Egypt, India and Morocco have to pay at least twice as much for wheat as they did last year," he added.

Grain traders said it was difficult to know how much further prices could climb. "We are not yet at a level where we can ration demand enough to stabilise global consumption," another European trader said. "It is hard to say what that level would be. We have no history."

marcchabot said...

the previous link got mangled

The Chinese Ministry of Finance has recently announced that it would issue 1.55 trillion yuan in special bonds in order to buy $200 billion in foreign currency to fund China's new military oversea expenditure.

marcchabot said...

this scarecrow is getting more bogus by the day!

now the london telegraph says a californian heavy metal fan is the author of Osama bin Laden's latest video lecture;jsessionid=APR2GJZQHAYKXQFIQMFSFFOAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/news/2007/09/09/wladen109.xml

A Californian heavy metal fan, who converted to Islam and became the first American to be charged with treason in half a century, has been fingered as the author of Osama bin Laden's latest video lecture - which left the terror chief sounding like an anti-globalisation protester. The al-Qaeda leader's first video message for three years featured a bizarre rant against America, with references to global warming, "insane taxes", the US mortgage market meltdown and rising interest rates. American spy chiefs were quick to name Adam Gadahn, the head of al-Qaeda's English language media operations, as the author of large sections of bin Laden's broadcast. American officials said the US government had obtained a copy of the video even though it had not been posted on Islamist websites - sparking speculation that US intelligence has developed an informant or cracked al-Qaeda's cyber security.

Pidnny said...

Hi Marc. I was totally amazed by the free scream of truth behind the reporter of Fox News. I don't know how to express when I watched the video...Incredible. There was a space and moment where depth of human, say, fight between heaven and hell or devil and god, came out.

As for the Japanese title in youtube videos, there is a website where people can add subtitles using some systems (though I have never visited there). The site seems to be popular. I read some articles online talking about the new service. Therefore, I guess that some Japanese who have keen interest in this dark matter, 9/11, might have created the subtitles in Japanese.

In a famous and big billboard in Japan or Japanese websites, Japanese have been picking up this fake war. So, though not many, it seems that some Japanese also know the truth of this war.

With the power of personal media, it seems that people start to be able to access truths much easier than before and people in past generations.

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

i suppose you mean ni channeru?

i my opinion, it is the interactive nature of the media that make the biggest difference; as the tv is passive and perfect for "spin".

at the beginning of the press (long ago), it was relatively cheap to make it's own small newspaper; with technology of big press and publicity it became possible to spend big money and make a low priced newspaper because of high printing volume and ad revenues, thus killing smaller newspapers to control the information

radio was regulated by government and his minions, i could tell you a story of one of my former boss who owned a radio station in Quebec and why he was forced to close it... radio is small world with a few rules not known to the naive public.

tv is simply insanely expensive and under monetary control by itself

the only thing left is the internet; that's why promote net neutrality to keep it possible for small ISPs to play on the same level as "core ISPs" own by the same big businesses already in control of the current mass medias

net neutrality is in fact the biggest fight right now

if the "core ISPs" manage to buy enough political men to make the rules they want; you'll see manipulations by (higher) prices and (lower) speed for those they want to kill, and then, the internet will be just like the tv: garbage, brainwash and controled information.


We need a common enemy to unite us
--Condoleezza Rice, March 2000

marcchabot said...

Mexico is a place you don't want to live in right now. As their oil export revenu is dropping like mad, the price of corn is exploding. Social unrest is climbing gradually. The less oil, the more social unrest. Once oil is gone, the only "big money" left is cocaine and marijuana export.

marcchabot said...

by juging from their interpretation that the first scarecrow was not convincing enough, they had to justify the story line by detecting it was done by a californian heavy metal fan, aka Adam Pearlman, aka Adam Gadahn, see the list here:

now they choose to do it again with a second video, it looks like they really missed the target with the first time.

according to breitbart, intelcenter "found" another bin laden tape! giggle!
i can't wait to see that one, giggle!

al-Qaida Says 2nd Bin Laden Video Coming
Sep 10 02:02 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
Second Bin Laden Tape To Be Released Soon
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Osama bin Laden will appear for the second time in a week in a new video to mark the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, presenting the last will and testament of one of the suicide hijackers, al-Qaida announced Monday.

Pidnny said...

Hello Marc. It seems that you really know a lot about Japan! Nichannel is a pretty big law information resource though there are so many garbages in the site as somebody called it "graffiti in restrooms". If there is literacy, people can pick up the truths that mass media can never broadcast. There are taboo topics for mass medial, but there are so many descriptions about it. I guess that even governments of foreign countries, big companies, or research firms.

Well, as for bin laden video tape, it's funny again! I think that American comedians should have a "monomane (impersonating) contest of Bin laden". "Who is the most similar!!" or something like that (lol) Maybe dangerous show, it is.

marcchabot said...

i got my hand on a 693mb mpeg video file on the sept.8th bin laden video,
and after watching it twice i noted this:

1m39s, visible video collage with no cut sound

1m56s, frozen video with audible sound collage

12m29s goes back to moving video with audible sound collage

13m13s visible video collage with no cut sound

13m19s visible video collage with no cut sound

13m27s visible video collage with no cut sound

14m01s 1m56s, frozen video with audible sound collage

15m03s double "beep" of electronic watch marking the hour (casio style but could timex ironman too) while video is still frozen

21m25s odd flipping sound, possilbly of flipping sheet of paper, but hard to tell, with no cut sound while video is still frozen

22m07s the sound gets louder with "sound level clippings", so it seems very likely he came much closer to the microphone as he keept talking, with no cut sound while video is still frozen

22m58s strange background "weezing" noises (i'm not sure this is the correct vocabulary), with no cut sound while video is still frozen

24m44s audible sound collage and you can still hear the strange backgroud noises persisting since 22m58s, while video is still frozen

26m27s end of the video, until the end the video was still frozen with the strange backgroud noises persisting since 22m58s.

the bin laden video shown on tv was MASSIVELY edited and modified.
if someone with professional equipement was to check it thoroughly, they would find
much more tempering than i did with just my eyes and ears!