Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Prime Minister of Japan Decides to Step Down.--From Japan

Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, has determined to quit on 12th and told it to top officials of the ruling party. Yomiuri newspaper has just reported it.

He is going to have a press conference afternoon.

Finally, but there was a news yesterday or two days ago that he said something like, "If I cannot extend the special law for Iraq with which Self-Defense Force will keep on joining in Iraq war."

Soon after he said it, he decided to quit today. What does this mean?

Of course, there are so many reasons why he has to quit. Piles of domestic matters. However, the timing of his decision to quit was quite bad or too late.

From beginning to the end, it seems that he has shown that he is quite unfit for the top position, Prime Minister.


marcchabot said...

going back to september 20th 2006, his main goal was to remilitarize Japan, that is: change the constitution, patriotism in school and "inscrease security ties" with the USA.

the way i see this, he needed to stick with the usa to get his share of oil

there was very negative comments about his failure from american political men, saying that Japan is not a reliable allie and such

now that his failure is predictable on november 1st 2007, he quits, Abe: beautiful resignation!

this is going to be interesting...

marcchabot said...

there is a little competition with the money burning policemen:

Pentagon Paid $998,798 to Ship Two 19-Cent Washers (Update3)
By Tony Capaccio
Aug. 16 (Bloomberg) -- A small South Carolina parts supplier collected about $20.5 million over six years from the Pentagon for fraudulent shipping costs, including $998,798 for sending two 19-cent washers to an Army base in Texas, U.S. officials said.

Billions over Baghdad
Between April 2003 and June 2004, $12 billion in U.S. currency?much of it belonging to the Iraqi people?was shipped from the Federal Reserve to Baghdad, where it was dispensed by the Coalition Provisional Authority. Some of the cash went to pay for projects and keep ministries afloat, but, incredibly, at least $9 billion has gone missing, unaccounted for, in a frenzy of mismanagement and greed. Following a trail that leads from a safe in one of Saddam's palaces to a house near San Diego, to a P.O. box in the Bahamas, the authors discover just how little anyone cared about how the money was handled.

marcchabot said...


marcchabot said...

the coming week should proove to be important as this is the last week before September 22nd. some "insider" stock traders placed 4.5 billion us$ on put options that ends and the end of the day of sept 21st, some of them that the stock market will sink by 11%, other as much as 52%. even if the federal reserve's announcement of sept 18 about the interest rate is not as good as some would like, how could this sink the stock exchange so much? if nothing happens, the insiders loose 4.5 billions us$; if a terrorist attack or the war starts with Iran happens, this type of news are likely to sink the stock exchange and the insiders will make massive profits

then, just after that, sept 23rd, the LDP will choose the next PM. if the one less favorable to reforms is choosen, can he revert the postal reform coming on october 1st?

marcchabot said...


Then last Wednesday, Congressman Paul Gillmor (R-OH) was found dead in his home. This was reported as a heart attack, until word leaked out that he had blunt trauma to the head and neck. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20649320/ Now we're being told he fell down the stairs. Gillmor was investigating a series of option trades that are suspicious- someone is betting billions of dollars that the market will fall 50% by September 21st. Even with the housing crisis, it would take a major catastrophe, like a "terrorist" attack, to precipitate such a plunge. As part of his job on the House Finance Committee, Gillmor was investigating this deal. Was he murdered because he was about to reveal something?

marcchabot said...

i just watched the movie the simpsons
and wow... the message from Matt Groening is SO obvious, so right in your face that if someone does not understand it right now, they will understand it later and call it prophetic


a colleague at the office just showed me and "old" message about the origin of the story of the b52 flight, it was first reported by Army Times and it was about a six nuclear war heads said Military Times by people at Minot. and that brings a worrying conclusion!

ATS Premium: Barksdale Missile Number Six: The Stolen Nuclear Weapon

Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon.

ATS Premium Article by Chuck Simpson

Some History

Barksdale Missile Number Six deserves far more public attention than it's received to date. Missile Number Six is potentially the major story of at least this year.

Until 1968 under the Airborne Alert Program, informally called Operation Chrome Dome, the Air Force routinely kept about a dozen strategic bombers with nuclear weapons flying at all times.

One predictable result was crashes and incidents. In 1968 the Department of Defense published a list of 13 serious nuclear weapons accidents that occurred between 1950 and 1968. In 1980 the list was revised to include 32 incidents through that year.

Notably, the Pentagon has not acknowledged any accidents since 1980. This alone highlights the importance the Pentagon is placing on the recent transportation of nuclear weapons from North Dakota to Louisiana.

Through 1968, several reported incidents involved plane crashes or malfunctions, beginning with the crash of a B-29 near Fairfield, California in August 1950. The resulting blast was felt 30 miles away.

In July 1950 a B-50 crashed near Lebanon, Ohio. The high-explosive trigger for the nuclear weapon detonated on impact. The blast was felt over 25 miles away.

In May 1957 a nuclear weapon fell from the bomb bay of a B-36 near Albuquerque, New Mexico. Parachutes malfunctioned and the weapon was destroyed on impact.

In October 1957 near Homestead, Florida a B-47 crashed. The nuclear weapon was burned.

In March 1958 a B-47 accidentally dropped a nuclear weapon near Florence, South Carolina. The high-explosive trigger detonated on impact.

In November 1958 a B-47 crashed near Abilene, Texas. The trigger of the nuclear weapon exploded upon impact.

In July 1959 a C-124 crashed near Bossier City, Louisiana. Both plane and nuclear weapon were destroyed.

In October 1959 a B-52 with two nuclear weapons was involved in a mid-air collision near Hardinsburg, Kentucky. One weapon partially burned.

In January 1961 a B-52 broke apart in mid-air near Goldsboro, North Carolina. Two nuclear weapons were released. The parachute on one weapon malfunctioned, and contamination was spread over a wide area. The uranium core was never recovered. Daniel Ellsberg reported that detonation was a very real risk because five of six safety devices failed.

In that month near Monticello, Idaho a B-52 carrying nuclear weapons exploded in mid-air. No information was made available as to the weapons.

In March 1961 a B-52 with two nuclear weapons crashed near Yuba City, California.

In January 1964 a B-52 carrying two nuclear weapons crashed near Cumberland, Maryland.

In January 1966 a B-52 carrying four hydrogen bombs crashed after a mid-air collision near Palomares, Spain. Two weapons exploded on impact, with resulting plutonium contamination. A months-long program was undertaken to locate and extract the other two weapons from the ocean. Major policy changes were taken under consideration.

In January 1968 a B-52 carrying four hydrogen weapons crashed and burned near Thule AFB in Greenland. Explosives in one bomb detonated, spreading plutonium contamination. Apparently, the other three weapons have never been accounted for.

Following large public protests Denmark, which owns Greenland and prohibits nuclear weapons on or over its territory, filed a strong protest. A few days later the Secretary of Defense ordered the removal of nuclear weapons from planes. After that order was issued, all aircraft armed with nuclear weapons were grounded but kept in a constant state of alert.

In 1991 by Presidential order, nuclear weapons were removed from all aircraft. Bomber nuclear ground alerts, during which nuclear weapons are loaded onto bombers during test and training exercises, were halted. After that time, all nuclear weapons to be delivered by plane were permanently maintained in secure storage facilities.

August 30, 2007

All of which makes the transport of nuclear weapons in combat position on a combat plane so newsworthy.

On August 30, for the first time since 1968, nuclear warheads in combat position were carried by an American bomber. Numerous international treaty provisions were violated in the process.

That Thursday, a B-52H Stratofortress flew from Minot AFB in North Dakota to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana while carrying twelve cruise missiles. Either five or six of those missiles were armed with nuclear warheads.

Cruise Missiles

The missiles on the B-52 were AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile units, specifically designed to be launched from wing pods of B-52H planes.

A total of 460 units were manufactured by Raytheon. A total of 394 units are currently maintained by the Air Force. Apparently, 38 are to be modernized and upgraded in Fiscal Year 2008 and the other 356 are to be decommissioned pursuant to the 2002 Moscow treaty.

Raytheon has publicly announced the AGM-129 missiles are to be modified to accomplish a "classified cruise missile mission". This has widely been interpreted to mean conversion to bunker-busters, most likely for use in Iran. This widely accepted explanation is being used to explain why armed cruise missiles are being flown in American airspace.

Nuclear Warheads

The AGM-129 was specifically designed to deliver a W-80 nuclear warhead. The W-80 weapon has a variable yield capability, of 5 to 150 kilotons. For comparison purposes, the bomb used on Hiroshima was 13 to 15 kilotons, or equivalent to 13,000 to 15,000 tons of TNT explosive.

News Stories and Flawed Explanations

The story of the B-52 flight was first reported by Army Times, owned by Gannett, on Wednesday September 5. Gannett relied on information provided by "anonymous officers". The story was picked up by Yahoo Wednesday morning, published by USA Today and The Washington Pos, and then quickly spread.

In response, the Pentagon quickly spread an official explanation.

The Air Force admitted to an inadvertent error: The intent was to transport ACMs without weapons. According to military officers, the nuclear warheads should have been removed before the missiles were mounted on the pylons under the wings of the bomber.

In the words of the Pentagon:

"There was an error which occurred during a regularly scheduled transfer of weapons between two bases. The weapons were safe and remained in Air Force control and custody at all times."

For almost the first time in the history of the nation, the military has publicly and promptly admitted it "made a mistake". This in itself is truly astounding.

To reinforce the military's claim that a mistake was made, a system-wide stand-down was ordered for September 14.

That official explanation was quickly explained away. The mistake was made intentionally, so a "deliberate leak" of a secret operation could occur.

The CIA and the Office of Counter-Terrorism in the State Department explained that Barksdale AFB is a "jumping off point" for re-supply of the Middle East.

The "deliberate leak" was intended to serve as a veiled warning to Iran. This deliberately misleading explanation is evidently intended to lead the public or Iran or both to logically conclude the missiles are bound for Iran.

Bluntly, State and the CIA converted a whistleblower leak by true American patriots into a deliberate leak by official Washington, to scare Iran.

By this means Washington has led the public to forget or overlook the real issue.

To begin, the multiple official explanations reek to high heaven. They collectively read suspiciously like flimsy cover stories concocted in hasty desperation. And no amount of pretty lipstick will be able to make the official explanations pretty.

Transportation Violations

More conflicting explanations followed. These missiles are part of a group scheduled to be decommissioned. This would explain why they were shipped out of North Dakota.

But the missiles were not transported on their way to decommissioning. Missiles are normally decommissioned at Davis-Monthan AFB at Tucson. Nuclear weapons are decommissioned at the Department of Energy's Pantex facility near Amarillo, Texas, accessed through Kirkland AFB in New Mexico.

And military policy requires minimization of the number of flights made with nuclear weapons aboard. So the weapons should not have been mounted on the missiles, flown to Louisiana, un-mounted and flown to New Mexico.

The mode of transportation is also a major issue not defused by official explanations. Per standard operating procedures, or SOPs, both missiles and nuclear warheads are transported primarily by air, in specially modified C-130s or C-17s. Under no peacetime circumstances do military SOPs allow transport of nuclear weapons mounted in cruise missiles mounted in combat positions on combat planes.

Department of Defense Directive Number 4540.5, issued on February 4, 1998, regulates logistic transportation of nuclear weapons.

By delegation of Commanders of Combatant Commands, movement of nuclear weapons must be approved by commanders of major service commands.

Commanders of Combat Commands or service component commanders must evaluate, authorize and approve transport modes and movement routes for nuclear weapons in their custody.

The Air Force is required to maintain a Prime Nuclear Airlift Force capability to conduct the logistic transport of nuclear weapons.

Under SOPs, combat planes with combat-ready nuclear weapons can only be flown on the authority of the Commander in Chief, the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the National Military Command Authority.

All of these transportation regulations were flagrantly violated on August 30.

Handling Violations

Violations of regulations concerning handling of the nuclear weapons in North Dakota are worse.

A sophisticated computerized tracking system is used for nuclear weapons. Multiple sign-offs are required to remove the weapons from their storage bunkers.

The AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile was designed to carry nuclear weapons. No non-nuclear warhead is available for this missile. So the only possible error could have been loading nuclear warheads on the missiles instead of practice dummies.

The practice warheads have standard blue and yellow signs declaring "Inert, non-nuclear". The nuclear warheads have at least three distinctive red warning signs. This error is therefore highly improbable, absent tampering with signage.

Nuclear weapons are transported from the storage bunker to the aircraft in a caravan that routinely includes vehicles with machine guns front and rear and guards with M-16s. All steps in the process are done under the watchful eyes of armed military police.

Rules require that at least two people jointly control every step of the process. If one person loses sight of the other, both are forced to the ground face-down and temporarily "placed under arrest" by observant security forces. All progress stops until inspections are made to assure the weapons weren't tampered with.

All nuclear weapons are connected to sophisticated alarm systems to prevent removal or tampering. They could only be removed from the storage bunker by turning the alarm off. And the squad commander clearly would not have authority to turn off the alarm.

The Impossible Mistake

Bluntly, the mistake of loading nuclear weapons on a combat aircraft in combat-ready position is simply not possible to make. Safeguards are far too stringent and far too many people would be involved. Particularly given that the mounting was in violation of policy that's been in place without exception for almost 40 years.

No discipline is expected to be meted out. The New York Times tried to imply the commanding general had been fired. Actually, the squad commander in charge of munitions crews at Minot was "relieved of duty pending an investigation". He has not been removed from his position or disciplined. The crews involved have been "temporarily decertified pending corrective actions or additional training" but have not been disciplined. No mention has been made of the wing commander.

Note carefully: These actions amount to nothing at all. The wing and squad commanders are still in place and the crews can easily be re-certified.

Successful Confusion

Washington's efforts to confuse the public have been successful. Attention has shifted from the crucial issue.

This news has already become non-news. The August 14 stand-down will momentarily become news, followed by announcements of more stringent restrictions, improved safeguards and additional training. The public always has been and always will be safe.

One of the major issues will be avoided:

Someone in an irregular chain of Air Force command authorized loading and transport of nuclear weapons.

And that would never have been done without a reason. Given the magnitude of regulatory violations involved, the reason must be extremely important.

The paramount issue will be avoided, if necessary with repetition of the reassurance that the Air Force was in control at all times. The weapons were only missing during the 3.5-hour flight.

At Barksdale, the missiles were considered to be unarmed items headed for modernization or the scrap heap, and of no particular importance. They were left unguarded for almost ten hours.

According to one report, almost ten hours were required for airmen at Minot AFB to convince superiors that the nuclear weapons had disappeared. According to information provided to Congress, this time lapsed before airmen at Barksdale "noticed" the weapons were present. News reports will continue to overlook this fact also.

Even here the focus is on time. The number of missiles and warheads issue was overlooked.

Early news reports spoke of five nuclear warheads loaded onto the bomber. Apparently, this information was provided from Barksdale.

That number was later updated to six weapons missing from Minot, apparently based on anonymous tips provided to Military Times by people at Minot. This information has also been forgotten.


Six nuclear weapons disappeared from Minot AFB in North Dakota.

Five nuclear weapons were discovered at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana.

Which leads to my chilling conclusion:

Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon.

What next?

The answer has been provided several times, most recently by CIA Director and General Michael Hayden. On September 7, dressed in full military uniform, Hayden told assembled members of the Council of Foreign Relations:

"Our analysts assess with high confidence that al-Qaida's central leadership is planning high-impact plots against the U. S. homeland."

"We assess with high confidence that al-Qaida is focusing on targets that would produce mass casualties, dramatic destruction and significant aftershocks."

An eye for an eye. Use of nukes will justify use of nukes. A perfect excuse to wage nuclear war against Iran.

I suspect Hayden is absolutely correct, except for his mistaken identification of the "central leadership" that is planning detonation of a nuclear weapon on American soil.


Pidnny said...

Hi Marc!! It's been a while. I have been a bit busy recently though I welcome it.

By the way, thanks for letting me know that something is going under the stock market. And the strange death… Yeah, it will be highly possible not normal. If this sort of thing happens in Japan, it is highly possible that "Yakuza (gang group" is involved. You must know it.

Reading the doubtful transferring the nuclear weapons, I recalled "lord of war". Is the load active now? Must be…

Though I wrote a book about the collapse of Japan, now may be the time for some Americans to seriously analyze the collapse of America.

Have a nice day!

marcchabot said...

fortunately nothing happened, nothing physical; but a lot happened financially. never in my life have i seen the difference between the canadian $ and the american $ shrink so fast in such a short time. even more surprising is to hear Alan Greenspan say the US$ will be replace by the EURO for the main world reference currency. The day after that the saudies did not follow the us federal reserve interest rate; they are dumping us treasury bills and the speculation of the riyal is going strong because it is expected the riyal will no longer be pegged to the us$. so not only is the us$ going down faster than expected, but for Greenspan to say what he said would be like... like the president of General Motors to tell the public that american cars are crap and they should all buy japanese cars instead. this is the one thing everybody know he is not going to say. that's why Greenspan behavior could be called criminal. yesterday on france24.com's economy news, Pierre-Antoine Dusoulier was saying there was a lot of speculation on manipulating the US$-CND$ to make it even because some people avoiding losses on put options. he came really close to say Greenspan said what he said to crash the US$ on purpose because some people have to gain if the US$ goes down at that moment.

there are many books on the subject about the decline of the american empire, even recently, John Perkins wrote a follow up to his book as many other criminal elements of the american government cam to him to tell their personal story
he explains here:

the first time i heard of yakuzas was in the 1980's when i watched the ramen western "tampopo" made by Juzo Itami, i can still picture in my head Koji Yakusho all dressed in white in the first scene of the movie. many years later two french guys met many yakuzas and wrote a book it, so i read it to go beyond the stereotypes.

marcchabot said...

The $900 billion "Bin Laden" Options trade Expires

Discussion on CNN with Col. Sam Gardiner who clearly states that the war in Iran is already underway and that a second phase of overt military action will soon begin.

The Era of Global Financial Instability

Pidnny said...

Hi Marc. I was also surprised to hear the news that the value between US$ and Canada$ became equal.

I didn't know the Greenspan's remark, but if the value of US$ tumbles, it will be pretty horrible for countries which owns so many dollars. Yes, Japan has a lot, and China does, too!! It's too complicated for me to judge the change of balance if it really happens.

By the way, a new Japan prime minister was decided. He is a very old guy and seems to know that the time for their party to give seat to the opposite party which won a lot in the last upper house election "soon". It may happen in this year.

Oh, I found an article that the president of Iran never thinks about wars with America. He said, "Why necessary? We don't need nuclear weapons" or something like that. That'll be a wonderful news if it is true story.

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

this sinking of the us$ is a necessity if they want to repay their debt... with worhtless money. it reminds me of Germany in the 1920's went they had gigantic war debt payment, they just printed more money and it became worthless; eventually, with Hitler and the war, they did not pay the rest of it

i don't it is possible for americans to pay their debt, unless they do it with a worthless currency, and this is a great opportunity for those pulling the strings to spread propaganda that only a global currency like the EURO can save them, and then create a new currency to replace the CDN$, the MEX$ and the US$.

maybe the war with Iran can help them repay their debt if they kill a lot of them and steal their oil, you know, use Iran's oil to pay back their debt; or both the us$ devaluation and Iran's oil.


what effect would it have on the reforms if "jiji" give seats to DPJ?


that's a famous picture of a german woman burning money (no, she did not graduate from a J police academy!) because it was so worthless it could be used to heat yourself.

Dick Cheney had at one point considered asking Israel to launch limited missile strikes at an Iranian nuclear site to provoke a retaliation

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

this week, an influent man (gary hart) wrote a public letter to the government of iran and he mentions two naval incidents that were fake attacks used as a pretext by america to attack a country (*1), while at the same time french news tell about the russians warning iranians that america are about to attack them (*2) soon, just like the saudi foreign minister saying that an attack on Iran might be imminent. the iranians use the only weapon they can right now (*9), the oil money.

while the us$ sinks, the oil price for american citizens goes up accordingly to compensate for the worthlessness of their currency and those who had a hard time to pay their bills last winter are going nuts (*3) because they know they will have to choose between "heat or eat". this will cause social unrest. and if the usa goes to war with Iran the us$ will go down and the crude oil price will go up, and both of that means an explosive price for heating oil this winter. much more social unrest.

as China imports more oil every day (*4) this is not enough, they still have oil shortage (*5) and soon, syrians too will have shortages because they cannot pay for it (*6). more social unrest.

right now, the social unrest in Burma is getting a lot of press coverage as the authorities are killing to stay in power, but they should focus more on local (usa) social unrest, at least the previsible social unrest to come as a former prime minister of Autralia tells about the "global food shock" (*7).

now that we can see all the reasons for the predictable social unrest, it becomes obvious why the american authorities have setup a huge increase in the number of policemen and remove the posse comitatus act so that they can use their own military inside the usa. to add to the creation of many "FEMA camps", KBR (an arm of Haliburton) got a big contract $$$ to stand ready to build similar detention camps.

clearly, the american authorities are expecting social unrest.

to sum it up, they knew they would have to get more oil the hard way, so they setup a catalysing event (9/11) to pass severe laws (patriot act) to control their own citizens, then blame countries that have the oil to attack them, not without many dog-and-pony media shows to looks like this is a battle of good versus evil while in fact they need to steal the oil to stay in power as the price of food and oil will cause social unrest and threaten those in power, just like in Burma, but on a much bigger scale...

Unsolicited Advice to the Government of Iran

Attack on Iran Said To Be Imminent

Heating oil prices soar, elderly panic

China's gasoline imports soar in August

S.China faces fuel crunch as oil firms battle Beijing

SYRIA: Oil price rises could provoke unrest

Global food shock real, says former Nats leader

manhattan demolition red truck video
manhattan demolition red truck image
Manhattan Demolition Company, Inc.
816 43rd Avenue
Long Island, NY 11101
Phone: 718-361-0397
SIC: 1795
Sales: $2.5-5 Million
Employees: 50 - 99
Special Trade Contractors
Wrecking and demolition work

Iran gets over 70pc oil income in non-US currencies

marcchabot said...

a few minutes ago i watched on france24 many citizens of Morocco (*1) being part of manifestations in all major cities of the country, they are all manifesting angry about the prices of everything, the price of every basic nessecity is going up real fast real high. more social unrest...


Pidnny said...

Hi Marc. Thanks for keeping posting your information. I've read all.

To make social unrest related to Iran may be a great way for America to activate its economy. As you said sometimes here, military will be a big business in America. So, oil plus military are a big fruit for America, right? Um…it's horrible, though.

For Japan, I feel a little bit that the relationship between Japan and America may change a little as time goes by. It will happen if Japan really stops to cooperate with America by having Self-Defense Force away from Iraq. Yeah, it will not happen, but the relationship will not be the same as well as human relationship as time goes by. It seems that European countries are already getting away from America.

Have a nice holiday!!

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

The military is the biggest business in usa (*1) indeed, and if the J military were to back off from the oil-war it would be VERY interesting to see what kind of revenge (*2) the us administration would put on Japan. The usa is determined to do whatever it takes to steal the oil, at any cost (*3), even if it creates social unrest (*4) in poorest countries. sooner than later, it will cause social unrest "in the west" too as prices keep going up (*5) everywhere. this is what happens in times of war, we are at war! the oil war...

This is the speech that warned Americans of the "military industrial complex" and its corrupting influence on the "scientific technological elite", and of a materialism born of our prosperity that would "plunder the precious resources of tomorrow".
Dwight D. Eisenhower speech, January 17, 1961. Farwell Address to the nation.
audio 0h15m50s
in the middle he says that they spend on military security alone more than the net income of all united states corporations! then he says the MASSIVE influence of the "military industrial complex" is felt everywhere in the government, the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exist and will persists... and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.
everything he warn us about happened... on the negative side, unfortunately.

Bush 'threatened retaliation' against countries that refused to back Iraq war
MADRID: US President George W. Bush threatened nations with retaliation if they did not vote for a UN resolution backing the Iraq war, according to a transcript published Wednesday of a conversation he had with then-Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar. In the transcript of a meeting on February 22, 2003 - a month before the US-led invasion of Iraq - published in the El Pais daily, Bush tells Aznar that nations like Mexico, Angola, Chile and Cameroon must know that the security of the US is at stake. During the meeting on his ranch in Texas, Bush says that Angola stood to lose financial aid while Chile could see a free-trade agreement held up in the US Senate if they did not back the resolution, the left-wing paper said.
The confidential transcript was prepared by Spain's ambassador to the US at the time, Javier Ruperez, the paper said.

Saddam asked Bush for $1billion to go into exile
The extraordinary offer was revealed yesterday in a transcript of talks in February 2003 between George Bush and the then Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar at the President's Texas ranch.

THERE are deep roots to Myanmar’s current unrest, pitting its repressive regime against Buddhist monks, but the immediate spark was the junta’s unexpected decision in August to double fuel prices. Overnight, diesel prices skyrocketed, and compressed natural gas rose fivefold

A Note From our Milkman
A curious custom in the UK is that we still get milk delivered to our door step by the milkman each day. Today we received a rather curious note from our milkman warning of higher prices, growing demand and extreme weather. What is the world coming to? In recent days I have picked up stories in the press about chicken / egg farmers going out of business because of increased feed prices and the same seems to be happening to pig farmers. In the interest of keeping inflation under control, it seems the supermarkets are refusing to pay higher prices to farmers. Does this provide a glimpse of the future? We may have to eat fewer eggs, less pork and bacon and drink less milk.

marcchabot said...

Luke Rudkowski did it again, hah hah hah!
he hid a wireless amplifier speaker inside a backpack and put the backpack under a table while Bill Clinton was signing his books at barnes and noble while Matt Lepacek told truths about Clinton in the microphone so that everybody could hear how a crook Clinton is... and the security agents were flipping out, hah hah hah!


marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

there were interesting developments this week about the escalation between Iran and the usa, like the israeli air strike into Syria on september 6 turned out to be an early electronic warfare test to be prepared for future strikes on Iran and Syria (*1), another revealing one is the russian nuclear engineers leaving Iran (*2) wich seems to confirm the previous news from le canard enchaine (*3) about russians sharing secret informations to Iran about the expected american attack. this all fits correctly with the british member of parlement that were shocked to hear Debra Cagan being happy to murder iranians (*4) and W Bush being surrounded by war mongerers (*5) telling him to wage war on Iran. the stench of war is strong enough for prominent americans like Gore Vidal (he's really smart) and others to write an open letter asking the military to not attack Iran (*6) to avoid world war 3 (a global catastrophe). the main american medias keep beating the drum of war continually (*7) and the us military are all prepared for it with "project checkmate" (*7). even the previous weird "error" (*8) with the nuclear armed b52 bomber is still actual.

all of this combined with the "topoff" semi-secret exercise (*9) coming before the end of october 2007 makes everybody (well... everybody not brainwashed by tv) think this is a "wonderfull" opportunity for the authorities to frame iranians to get the pretext they need to nuke Iran. just like there was an exercise on nine eleven in NY and on seven seven in London at the same time the self inflicted wounds happened to frame the arabs and wage war.

the W Bush administration putting direct pressure on the medias is well known but it is rare for journalists to say it so publicly (*10) and admit that mass medias are bias and warped. not surprisingly, the same warped media are parotting Bush message (*11) full of spin that the us economy is going well while in fact any analysis that goes beyond the superficial cannot be rosy (*12) about what is really going on about the decline of the us$ (*13), no wonder why the amero makes more news (*14) than usual. sure enough, the higher price of food makes it more scarce (*15) as the price of gazoline does not go down (*16) but none of that will affect Bush, only it's citizens and the growing social unrest, at least, it's not as bad as Burma and big oil companies (*17). even worst is the engineered "natural" death of iraqis (*18) is growing proportinally as they no longer have running water and such... Not surprisingly, this is something W Bush does not talk about after he had "bomb them to the stone age".

on a more comical note, in oct 1st 2007, france24 had a comical (for me) spin news about the success of their velib experiment (widespread use of bicycles instead of cars in Paris) and saying that the chinese are in advance... what in the past made the chinese backward now makes them "in advance"... wow, talk about spin and how desperate they are to avoid social unrest as oil goes rare! that french spin about "backward is now advanced" made me laugh so much!


Terrorism is theater --Brian Michael Jenkins (Kroll inc.)

Israeli raid caused electronic disruption over wide areas of Syria
The raid was part of a U.S. “masint” operation according to this theory, referring to the military practice known as measurement and signature intelligence that is designed to learn the chrematistics and capabilities of all weapons in a region that emanate electronic signals. The masint signatures are needed for targeting and for defeating air defense threats.

Russia Evacuates Entire Bushehr Staff
Iranian news outlet claims nuclear experts packed their bags Friday, increasing speculation of imminent US-Israeli attack
The Khorramshar News Agency, which is published by the ethnic Arab underground of Iran’s oil-rich Khuzestan, reported early Oct. 1 that the entire staff of Russian nuclear engineers and experts employed in building the nuclear reactor at Bushehr had abruptly packed their bags Friday, Sept. 28, and flew back to Russia. The agency’s one-liner offers no source or explanation.

Attack on Iran Said To Be Imminent

I hate all Iranians, US aide tells Members of Parlement
"She seemed more keen on saying she didn't like Iranians than that the US had no plans to attack Iran," said one MP. "She did say there were no plans for an attack but the tone did not fit the words."

Neocon 'godfather' Norman Podhoretz tells Bush: bomb Iran

Leading Americans Ask Military to Refuse to Attack Iran and Start a Global Catastrophe

En route to a military confrontation with Iran

Report: Cheney ordered nuking Iran

The nation is preparing for its biggest terrorism exercise ever next week when three fictional "dirty bombs" go off and cripple transportation arteries in two major U.S. cities

Chris Matthews says Bush administration has "finally been caught in their criminality"
explaining that Bush White House officials -- especially those from Vice President Cheney's office -- called MSNBC brass to complain about the content of his show and attempted to influence its editorial content. "They will not silence me!" Matthews declared.
(brass as in top brass = high ranking bosses)

Bush: Jobs report shows "vibrant" economy

United Banana Republic of America: Government and Service Jobs for All!

US Dollar Crash - Explosion in Currencies, Gold, Crude Oil, Food! Urgent Steps ...

Amero coming within decade
Strategist expects currency changes as Canadian dollar matches greenback
(greenback = us dollar)

Lincoln County Food Share faces shortage

Gas-price rise puzzles drivers, energy officials

burma, total and chevron

Cholera spreads from Iraq to Iran--WHO expert

marcchabot said...

in my second paragraph, i forgot to mention this excellent clip about it:


they show a recent poll that 85% of americans knows Bush lied about 911 and 30% know 911 was an inside job, that is much bigger than in 2006 and 2005.

marcchabot said...

looks like the kooks of blackwater are in Japan too.

Blackwater: Japan's Missile Defense Force


Pidnny said...

Bonjour, Marc. I read your comments! I am just lazy (bit busy as well) to post. And coincidentally, my last post is 9/11...Oh my!

I thought that things related to war are getting quiet, but thinking of your comments, oh, it's just going underground as usual…

Though a Japanese university student was caught by an armed group in Iran, I hope that it is not related to anything special.

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

when i first heard of the Satoshi Nakamura kidnapping, i noticed there where many differences in the details of the story between japanese news and any other news from everywhere else, so i became suspicious about him if he wasn't simply there to get information about what was going on inside those areas where the us government give guns and money to group opposed to the iranian regime that where cought repetedly inside Iran, sometimes shooting cops in the back and so on. the war with Iran began a while ago, but it still is in it's "funny war" phase, like at the beginning of the second world war when the german and french army where just "studying" each other. military iranians where caught on a beach of saudi arabia in the middle of the night for unexplained reasons... there are so much spying activities with Iran since 2004, it is mind-boggling. the most comical one was just after the april 2007 crisis when an american fbi agent disappeared (most likely killed) on a small island close to the cost of Iran. an island that would have military importance if there where to be an invasion in a war. the official american story, was that he was not an fbi agent, he was a 55 year old RETIRED fbi agent and that he was on that island to make a film about turtles! when i read that, it made me laught so much... so, the official story is that this guy retired early from the fbi to film wild turtles, and of all the turtles in the world it had to be iranian turtles on that specific island while the american navy is surrounding Iran. giggle... anyway, after a while stories about "Satoshi-i-swear-i-am-not-a-spy-Nakamura" from outside of Japan were the same as those from Japan and it all looks like he really is a genuine sociology student foolish enough to go where it is not safe to go. i guess he learned sociological stuff about captivity in Iran he could not learn inside a regular class in japan. (^_^)

did the japanese medias told about the "self-defence-forces" (okay, not an army, giggle) doing their joint exercise part of the american vigilant shield (*1) on the 13, 14 and 15th october in Japan? for me, the most interesting phase of vigilant shield is the "topoff" (*2) execise they will do from october 15th to october 20th 2007. in april 2005 the topoff exercise was a simulation of evil arabic peoples infecting americans of new-jersey with weaponized bubonic plague (*3) given to them by a female canadian scientist (yes, we canadians as SO EVIL too, not just arabics!) and many poor defenceless american victims breaking into pharmacies to steal drugs to stay alive while the police and military are trying to maintain order in new-jersey. in this 2005 topoff excersive they even had "vnn", a simulation of CNN news with fake journalists and fake news and all. i keep a flash video of this "vnn" simulation to see if the 2007 simulation will be identical in the details except that they will replace bubonic plague with dirty bombs made with uranium coming from Iran... as i was writing this, i was listening to my 30 minutes flash video of the 2005 topoff and the details are over 2150 dead americans from bubonic plague propagated from a spray-can attached to the rear back windows of a car, a fake journalist talking to a fake "terrorism expert" saying his "french sources" told him about an algerian female (Ph.D. in micro-biology from a university in Paris) with a canadian passport was being interrogated by the fbi. well, i wonder if they will still try to keep canadians in the loop of their fake terrorism in the topoff exercise this week.

this topoff 2007 exercise is feared because it could become real if need be. first, the mass media are still creating scare news (*4) about al qaeda inside the usa and the need of a pretext to attack Iran is bigger than ever as their military are all ready to attack but the public is not, and this exercise is the perfect opportunity for a small cell of cia arabic terrorist to use this big simulation for a real depleted uranium bomb, if the cia terrorists fail and the bomb does not exploded they can just pretend there were part of the real simulation, but if they succeed, they have the pretext to attack Iran. the same modus operandi of a parallel exercise like nine eleven and seven seven. typical dirty tricks used by the cia since 1947 (*5). it would be politically conveniant for the LDP if "it happens", as they could keep the support for the american military...

there were rumours of a military "draft" to force young men to go war, like during the Vietnam war, but the rumours are getting stronger all the time (*6) and rest assured that if they invade Iran like they are so desperate to do to steal the oil, they will need a draft to get enough american soldiers in there. in fact, the vast majority of all the iranian oil field is located in only one prefecture of Iran, so there is one specific area they need to control, the rest of Iran they can just bomb it until everything is destroyed and all iranians are dead.

on a side note, as i was watching the gold market going up as the us$ goes down because of american fraud (*7) and more public talk of the amero (*8), i found a very comical news about and old american fraud made on the british (*9), in 1933, the american government was seizing gold at gun point, putting a gun in the face of their citizen to force them to change their gold for paper-money, they could only keep their marriage ring, everything else of made gold was seized. it appears that they cheated the british because all that gold seized what not purified to 99.999% like expected when it was melted into one kilo bars. it is absolutely comical to see the british realised they have been cheated so many decades ago, now that their gold bars are cracking. big giggle!


Vigilant Shield 2008 will be preceded by another set of exercises organized by Japan. The Tokyo government will host a multinational Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) Maritime Interdiction Exercise “Pacific Shield 07”(PS-07) in the eastern sea area off Izu Oshima, and at the Ports of Yokosuka and Yokohama 13-15 October

This year's TOPOFF 4 exercises involves setting off fake radiological dispersal devices (RDD) or "dirty bombs" in Oregon, Arizona and the US Pacific island territory of Guam. According to Northern Command, TOPOFF is a propaganda operation intended for at top decision makers. The objective is to build a consensus among key decision makers that America is threatened by Islamic terrorists, using an improvised nuclear device. These terrorists are, according to recent statements, supported by Tehran. While the TOPOFF exercise has been casually mentioned in press reports, it is not the object of extensive media coverage. In fact very few people are aware of these exercises. The objective is to sustain the war and national security agenda --and of course the possibility of martial law-- within the governmental, nongovernmental and corporate business sectors.


White House: Al Qaeda trying to boost efforts in U.S.

Bill Moyers: The Secret Government, Part I
The Secret Government, Part II

Paul warned “there’s a lot of behind the scene agitation for reviving the draft”.
Speaking of what he perceives as an emerging police state, Paul said, “Greatest threat to us today is internally not externally. The domestic threat is gigantic”

Gold Break Out Expected As US Dollar Crashes Through Major Support
Overseas banks and financial institutions are still smarting from having been defrauded to the tune of trillions of dollars by US banks and financial institutions over sub-prime mortgage paper. US banks and financial institutions colluded with rating agencies to repackage and misrepresent these dodgy loans as being much more sound than they actually were, and then succeeded in farming them off to unsuspecting foreigners in what amounts to the greatest swindle of all time. While diplomatic niceties and their own corrupt and compromised natures prevent the heads of these foreign banks and institutions from standing up and telling the unvarnished truth about how they were played for suckers, privately they are seething and out for revenge - and one way they can get it is to dump the dollar. Like US generals, they will probably find the courage to speak their minds - once they have retired. US banks and financial institutions colluded with rating agencies to repackage and misrepresent these dodgy loans as being much more sound than they actually were, and then succeeded in farming them off to unsuspecting foreigners in what amounts to the greatest swindle of all time.

cnn vicente fox amero (aka EURO-DOLLAR) 2007oct8

All that glisters may not be gold
According to market observers questioned by Metal Bulletin, cracks and fissures suggested that the bars may not be pure gold. The gold in coin form may also be contaminated with base metal.

marcchabot said...

le nobel de la connerie!


ONE of the world's foremost meteorologists has called the theory that helped Al Gore share the Nobel Peace Prize "ridiculous" and the product of "people who don't understand how the atmosphere works".

Pidnny said...

Hi Marc,

Wow!!!! Very interesting and deep story!! It's chilly, though. Your story made me think the reason why youngsters start to be put in corner in society, especially, in terms of job. In Japan, youngsters are having pretty tough time talking about jobs. I am just worried that this is a government strategy to push youngsters to enter into military or self-defense force like in the past. "No job? Join the military." Like that.

I wish that true "inconvenience truths" could be uncovered one after another in every aspect!! I actually feel that this flow is happening little by little. Yes, the power of internet is huge in this point.

Have a nice day!!

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

the LDP idea of teaching patriotism in school is 100% to have more soldiers, just like any other nation. if you look at
you'll see that the senator from Vermont tells to Greenspan (in july 16th 2003) that they lost more than 2 millions job to China because the federal reserve thinks that "manufacturing in america doesn't matter" and now instead of having good paid jobs, they have to work for walmart at starvation wages. this only helps bigger profit margins; it doesn't seems to get more soldiers on purpose, but it helps.

the us goverment may block the internet as they see fit

William Rodriguez was in Japan last year.

have you noticed how usefull the man-made-global-warming propaganda promoted by Al Gore can be to the united nation?

marcchabot said...

propaganda promoted by Al Gore can be USED by the united nation?

marcchabot said...

Future Not Bright for 'Useless Eaters'

(oct 15th, 2007) Day by day, Bushonomics is making the future clearer. Wealth consolidation is speeding up. Expatriation is booming, and the newly formed class of so-called useless eaters will be seeing a not very bright future. In fact Bushonomics is accelerating the creation of the useless eater class.

So let us paint a picture of what the next decade will look like. The picture became clearer last week with the release of income and wealth dispersion statistics within the United States, as seen on Bloomberg News as well as the newly released Zogby poll on expatriation.

As we have pointed out before, there has never been a period of consolidation of wealth and income as that which has occurred under Bushonomics I (1984 to 1992) and which is occurring again under Bushonomics II (2001 to present.)

We now see that not only does the top 1% of the nation control 70.6% of all of the private wealth in the nation, but it also inures 24.8% of all of the individual income in the nation and that, indeed, the total income of the bottom 50% of the economic strata of the nation has fallen to 12. 8% of the nation's total annual income.

A recent Zogby Poll pointed out tangentially that the only reason why the bottom 50% of the economic population still constitutes 25% of the consumption, despite the fact they receive only 12.8% of the national income, is one of the miracles of Bushonomics ・i.e., continuous expansion and negative debt-financed consumption, that is, the ability to continuously borrow more money through a Fed-inspired, cheap and easy money policy, and through expansion in financial products that have, as we've seen under Bushonomics II.

This has allowed citizens to borrow all of the equity and then some from their homes, for instance, which they have been allowed to use as checkbooks or ATMs. Indeed, the bottom 50% of the population has done this.

By 2006, for instance, 14% of all consumption that was being generated from the bottom 50% of the economic class of the nation was coming from citizens using their homes like checkbooks.

Traditional Smithsonian capitalist oriented, economic pundits you see on CNBC and Bloomberg are constantly baffled at the strength we see month after month in consumer spending.

How can this strength be maintained under a regime where real wages ・i.e., wages net of inflation ・have actually fallen?

Nevertheless we see in the consumer credit statistics an average increase of $10 billion a month. And this has happened every single month under this regime.

No, and it's not fudging the numbers. The regime through Fed manipulation has been successful in keeping interest rates extremely low, unnaturally low versus demand for money. This has reduced the cost of carrying debt.

Also the regime has adopted a twofold policy towards debt and bankruptcy. It has changed the laws, as we've written about in the past, as in 2005, making bankruptcy more difficult, but at the same time it encouraged business and industry to be more flexible in debt extension -- in so-called work-out programs.

Now we see a record percentage of the bottom 50% of the economic population in a work-out deal -- one out of every 6 credit card holders, in fact, is in a payment work-out program. In other words, one out of every 6 credit card holders within the bottom 50% of the economic population has at least one credit card account that they are on a work-out situation with.

And here is the practical situation, which was pointed out last week by Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Kimmitt -- Bushonomics and its central mandate of wealth consolidation has turned the bottom 50% of the population into de facto useless eaters. These citizens then have become "nonproductive assets."

George Bush Sr. said in that renowned interview in December 1992 that the individual citizen is nothing more than fodder for the schemes and ambitions of those that govern him.

Since then we have used the term OFU (One Fodder Unit) to describe those citizens who have become BOVOB'ed, or Burned Out Victims of Bushonomics, in the bottom 50% class.

* AL MARTIN is an independent economic-political analyst with 25 years of experience as a trader on NYMEX, CME, CBOT and CFTC. As a former contributor to the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors, Al Martin is considered to be a source of independent analysis for financially sophisticated and market savvy investors.

After working as a broker on Wall Street, Al Martin was involved in the so-called "Iran Contra" Affair as a fundraiser for the Bush Cabal from the covert side of government aka the US Shadow Government. His memoir, "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider," provides an unprecedented look at the frauds of the Bush Cabal during the Iran Contra era.

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

after six-weeks, the us air-force finished their investigation (*1) on the strange event about the b52 bomber that was fitted with nuclear bombs "accidently". unfortunatly for those who really wished it was just a mistake, the official report is ridiculous; it only hides something, so we only know that we don't know what really happened. the official reaport is crap and only fuel the suspicions.

while the british special airborn service play their low profile role (*2) inside Iran, W Bush publicly let the public understand that he is willing to start world war 3 and then blame it on Iran (*3); then us military men add to the tension by saying publicly that thay can attack Iran anytime they want, but even more interesting is the underground jewish media (*5) reporting about letters of warning telling all the jews of Iran to leave Iran right now to avoid the coming war.

there is no doubt that W Bush is totally desperate to get his war, a war that will implicate many surrounding countries, thus W Bush admitting WW3, but still, nobody knows exactly what spark with ignite the fire, what pretext W Bush will use to start the war and blame it on Iran to steer the attention away from the obvious: the need to steal the oil. the medias will talk about everything but not the oil (*6). there are so many similarities between now and WW1 (*7) that it is mind-boggling.

this predictable war makes the price of oil goes up and hides other facts that make the price higher, such as aramco having set impossible goals (*8) to achieve and "the japaneses" having their share of refined oil (*9) directly from a new refinery inside saudi arabia. no wonder why the expression eat or heat keeps popping up (*10) again and again, and worse, the canadian natural gas that came close to lack last winter might not be enough this winter (*11) for the americans. whatever happens, heating will be more expensive. i'm still waiting for the words kotatsu, electric-blanket and "no need to heat the whole house" to appear in american medias. (^_^) but this is not going to happen.

one more interesting point about the rising price of oil, is the us$ sinking even more, almost as if it was done on purpose (*12). of course, if the us$ is worth less, the oil will be more expensive, just like anything else and it will be harder to stay alive for many americans (*13) and many of them will be on their knees begging the government to pay for they heating bills (*14), similarly to what Koizumi did in 2002 (*15).

this will cause social unrest but the numerous policemen and fema camps are ready!

in what some dare to call an economic despression (*16) others liken it to the japanese bubble burst (*17) because of the losses the banks have yet to be writen in their books, and this is just not residential but also commercial construction that is affected (*18), even Greenspan said it was impossible to foresee an end to the U.S. economic troubles (*19)

when i watched this "old" summer 2007 video (*20) with the Vermont senator speaking on Lou Dobbs show, it made me think about your comment about having the poor join the army. went you look at it and you see "fighting amnesty" on the screen, it's the law (called the amnesty bill) W Bush wants to pass to legalize illigal immigrants (mexicans), if they succeed all those immigrants will be tranformed into genuine american citizens. guess what. that would make 30 millions more potential citizens to be forced to go to war if they "draft" them after the amnesty bill succeed! (because only american citizens can be drafted)

it looks like W Bush do not care about the borders, as we are all HIS citizens in his dream of North American Union (security prosperity partnership) and the amero, this is the only small mention of it on a major media (*21), only marginal medias tell about it and anybody talking about it is called "crazy".

the fact that both american political party are the two wings of the same bird means no fondamental change since world war 2, but there is one candidate making more noise because of his growing massive grass-root support (*22)

finally, one short interview (*23) with two influential men reveals a lot about american corruption and fraud and how close we are to a 1929 style market crash, they tell about "insiders with conflics of interests", and "dark non transparent non regulated edge funds", "asset bubbles", "cooked books (fraudulent book keeping)", "conflict of interests" and banks buying derivatives they don't understand... wow... i am not used to hear the thruth in the media!


Nukes Over America: All a Stupid Mistake. Sure It Was
So what we have is pretty clearly a cover-up here.

SAS raiders enter Iran to kill gunrunners

In an appearance on NBC's Today Show, Air America's Rachel Maddow suggested that President Bush's warning against allowing Iran to acquire nuclear know-how should not be mistaken for a promise that Republicans can be trusted to prevent World War III.
"What he's saying is that World War III is worth starting,

Mullen: U.S. can strike Iran

Warning letters delivered to thousands of Jewish families in Iran advise them to leave the country without delay

As already noted, many times, the media finds it is not "politically correct" to explain high prices as due to oil

Oil and the origins of the "War to make the world safe for Democracy"

Saudi Aramco may miss production goals, says Simmons

Sumitomo Chemical

The heat or eat dilemma

Canadian Gas - Decline Sets in.
This figure shows very well the huge increase in efffort required in 2000-2006 to keep production flat - the annual cost more than doubled over those six years. The substantial decline in expenditure that is now occurring (to levels still much higher than in 2000), must result in a significant fall in production. What is more, this makes it almost impossible ever again to raise production to where it was in 2000-2006. The three scenarios shown in the investment figure are reflected in corresponding predictions of future production for all of Canada.

IMF Badmouths The Dollar In Open Attack On American Middle Class

Living paycheck to paycheck gets harder
Across the nation, Americans are increasingly unable to stretch their dollars to the next payday as they juggle higher rent, food and energy bills. It's starting to affect middle-income working families as well as the poor, and has reached the point of affecting day-to-day calculations of merchants like Wal-Mart Stores Inc., 7-Eleven Inc. and Family Dollar Stores Inc.

Government money short to help poor pay heating bills

Koizumi fell to his knees before Bush at 2002 summit

Now, Mr. Prechter is suggesting that the country is facing not just a market crash, but also a depression.

U.S. banks currently hold record amounts of mortgage-related assets on their books.
If the housing market were to go into a deep recession resulting in massive mortgage defaults,
the U.S. banking system could sustain huge losses similar to what the Japanese banks experienced in the 1990s.

Caterpillar also sounded an alarm about the outlook for the wider U.S. economy, suggesting the housing downturn was spreading to other parts of the economy and pulling the broader market lower. Caterpillar warned that several key U.S. industries it serves, including trucking and nonmetal mining, were "in recession," and said its machinery sales to nonresidential builders were being hit as hard as its sales to the residential building industry, which it said was in "severe recession." "That's definitely a trend that's somewhat disconcerting," said John Kearney, an analyst at Morningstar in Chicago. "If commercial construction starts to go the way of residential construction, that's going to create some pretty difficult headwinds in 2008, 2009."

Greenspan sees no danger in weakening U.S. dollar

Bernie Sanders gives facts of our economy

Lou Dobbs asks WHY media doesn't cover North American Union

Ed Griffin talks about Ron Paul, Caroll Quigley, Cecil Rhodes, (william clinton = bill clinton)

PBS' Bill Moyers with Veteran market watcher Robert Kuttner

Pidnny said...

Hi Mark,

It's been a while. I have read your recent messages just now. Thanks!

I know that the gap between the rich and poor has been expanding in America amazingly though China may be much more… Yes, I sometimes listened to a commercial message through radio something like, "Why is American middle class working harder than those in Europe? Middle class is falling down". I think that the gap is getting serious.

Yes, the situation is similar here in Japan as you may know. Especially, the burden is coming to youngsters who are stolen a hope to go up like their parents. This may be a systematic problem of capitalism… The change must have a significant meaning for youngsters. Traditional way of thinking to life cannot work. Terrible, but I think that there are some meanings for this phenomenon though I cannot describe well so clearly now.

Japan? Not enough time and energy to talk about it today^^; Please google some about the corruption of Japan or stupid thinking to increase the consumption tax a lot under this moment without reforming the government side at all!! Something is going wrong.

Have a great day and thanks for coming here always!! I'm alive!!

marcchabot said...

hello Shogo

according to this report on Perino, the J. prime minister should go to the white house in one or two weeks.
W Bush is hungry for ship fuel. :-)

Interrogée sur une éventuelle conversation téléphonique entre le président George W. Bush et Yasuo Fukuda,
Mme Perino a indiqué que le Premier ministre japonais serait à la Maison Blanche dans "une ou deux semaines".