Friday, June 22, 2007

The Special Law on the Nation's Support for Iraqi Reconstruction Extended

The special law on the nation's support for Iraqi reconstruction has been extended for two years, allowing the Air Self-Defense Force to continue its transport mission, aiding in the reconstruction of the country. Yomiuri newspaper reported it.

Opinions for this government decision are divided in Japan.

Though mass media discussed the extension, personally, I want Japan mass media to talk about the government's attitude about the weapons of mass destruction. So far, government of Japan have not mentioned about it. Citizens know that the weapons did not exist.

This government's decision may mean that Japan will follow America under any condition as usual.


marcchabot said...

Each time i see the J. military be labeled by it's official name "self defence force", it always makes me smile because of the size of their budget. The official name makes it look like a joke, but the budget is not.

The world's top 10 military spenders in 2006.
The list shows the amount each country spent on weapons in 2005 dollars, and the share of world arms expenditures.
1. United States, $528.7 billion, 46 percent
2. Britain, $59.2 billion, 5 percent
3. France, $53.1 billion, 5 percent
4. China, $49.5 billion, 4 percent
5. Japan, $43.7 billion, 4 percent
6. Germany, $37.0 billion, 3 percent
7. Russia, $34.7 billion, 3 percent
8. Italy, $29.9 billion, 3 percent
9. Saudi Arabia, $29.0 billion, 3 percent
10. India, $23.9 billion, 2 percent
Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

25% of the usa military budget disappear and accountants too persistant into looking where the money go are getting fired, and i wonder if it is similar with the J. military, is it?

This on going support of the J. military is for greasing the wheels of diplomacy for futher oil deals in my opinion.
J. and Saudi Arabia Heighten Relations§ion=0&article=97889

Any reconstruction effort is a drop in the sea since the usa military went to plan B.
Plan A was to have an elected iraqi puppet government pass the proposed national law on petroleum, a law drafted in the usa that chop up every little iraqi prefecture independently responsible of his own oil ressources. That means each little iraqi prefecture do not, and will not have the capability (physical or monetary) to extract and sell the crude oil without having it done with a foreign oil company. You already have guessed that chinese and russian oil companies will not get any deals in Iraq...
The iraqi national law on petroleum endlessly gets delayed, slighly modified, and postponed, even this week a small modification for the kurds got it delayed again. The iraqi puppet government try to bypass the american national law on petroleum to avoid giving the oil for free to usa oil companies by doing oil deals themselve, they did a deal with Iran months ago to build a crude oil pipeline from iraq to iran so that iran could refine iraqi oil and sell gaz and diesel locally.
Everybody laugh outloud when the iraq-iran pipeline was announced because iran's refineries are few and old, so much that iran has to IMport a lot of refined gazoline for themselves, so everyone could "read between the lines" and see that this pipeline deal is the way the iraqi intend to export his crude oil through iran.
The fact that the usa did not react at all to the iraq-iran pipeline deal made people realise that the usa intend to attack Iran "soon", soon enough that the pipeline won't be in use before the attack happens. Just recently, the iraqis went to China for an oil deal, again bypassing both the usa oil companies and the futur national law on petroleum, and this time the usa reacted strongly by funding and arming "the sunni ennemy".
The usa are giving guns to the sunnies to, at best, pressure the iraqi puppet government to pass the national law on petroleum, and at worst, to eventually overthrow the shia dominent iraqi puppet government, just like the old times when the sunni Saddam Hussein came to power and dominated all the shia and kurds, siding with the usa, history repeats itself. Also, if the Chinese where to anger the usa by directly dealing with the iraqi puppet government and start pumping crude oil, these usa armed sunnis could act like a "proxy army" to bomb and destroy chinese oil rig, as the usa cannot directly do it themselve and risk a third world war, if it happens, they will says it's al-qaeda, whatever happens' it's always al-qaeda's fault anyway. :-)

The destruction of Iraq to transform it into an african third world country to better exploit it

september 2005, two SAS (british commandos) in basra (iraq) doing a "false flag operation"

Iraqi children working as prostitutes

Pidnny said...

Hi Marc,

Thank you very much for your comment and information as usual!

As for the self-defense force, yes, the budget seems to prove what it is. And current Prime Minister must want it to be official military force changing the law.

With regard to the matter of budget, I am not sure whether or not that kind of problem exists, but it may exist highly. However, in Japan, it seems that government related organization can avoid being applied laws unfortunately. So, whatever they do, they will not be fired. Seldom. In this matter, China may be even better than Japan.

I understand the iraq situation deeper than before after reading your comment again! What is surprising is that how complicated the systems USA created in Iraq is and how simply what they want is.

In a sense, they are quite sophisticated tricksters. Purpose is simple, but the scheme is quite complicated.

I totally did not know the pipeline… And thinking about that China's spending for military is soaring and surpassed Japan, it starts to make sense... Dangerous.

What are the intellectuals or religious leaders doing for this situation in America? Useless?...Maybe...

Only Noah's flood may be able to stop them...

Thank you always and have a nice day,


marcchabot said...

hello Shogo.

The complexity of their scheme is a necessity to accomplish their goal.
All this "dog and pony show" put up by the politicians and the controlled mass media is an absolute necessity to maintain the morale of the military and the public.
A good exemple is the first world war, the soldiers knew they were just "cannon fodders" and they tried to get out of the army by putting their feet up in the air with their head down in the trenches, hoping to get a bullet in a foot and be decommissioned from the army. There were so many dead in Verdun that when soldiers were ordered to fill bags with dirt (to pile up dirt bags in a wall to protect themselves from bullets) there always were human flesh in the dirt, no matter where they were digging... That was really bad for morale!
You can't send people there to fight for oil and ask them do die for exxon, shell, B.P. or teikoku oil, they'll refure to fight for that, now, if you can make them believe they fight for democracy against evil terrorist they will have the morale to fight. That's called manufacturing concent.
Noam Chomsky is the greatest american intellectual and the mass media are totally against him.
9/11 was a gigantic "dog and pony show" necessary for manufacturing concent and convince the public to attack the "evil arabic terrorists". They could simply have bombed Iraq many times over with neutron bombs to kill them all and then steal the oil, but this is pure evil and therefore not a "good sell" to the public. Reality is a hard sell, lies are so beautiful...
That's what a politician is for, disguised real goals and manipulate you, a politician is a salesman of politic, he is selling politics, but what kind of choice do you have when different politicians only have differents lies hiding the same ugly solution? They are the morning musume of politics, the string pullers behind the scene change the politician for another one once his popularity is over, no matter what the name of the political party is, it doesn't make any difference because the the string pullers behind the scene are few and the same.
The Social Insurance Agency matter might be a good short term diversion to avoid more important matters, like the foreign food dependency, as the chinese and american will see the food price increase (rarity), they might eventually reduce (or stop) food exportation and tell the japanese to go to hell.
As for the religious leaders, i would first to define it to beging with, but i would have to write for a very long time, to put it shortly, i would point you to a movie from Denys Arcand, our best canadian movie director:


Pidnny said...

Hi Marc. Thanks a lot for your comment and introducing the movie. I'm gonna find it in the near future. It seems to be quite interesting!

Thanks and have a good night!
