Friday, June 29, 2007

Debt Keeps Updating the Worst Record, but Bonus is Going UP, too. An invitation for Mr. Michael Moore--from Japan

Today, 29th, public servants in whole Japan got a summer bonus. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the average amount of the bonus in general administrative post except for management positions was about 624,000 yen (average age of 34.7) around 900 yen UP from last summer. And the average of the bonus of public servants in local areas was around 597,000 yen (average age of 36.5) UP around 100 yen. Japan media reported it today.

General Japanese citizens' query for them: Why can public servants get the bonus that even increased under the critical financial condition of government of Japan and the unreasonable amount of retirement reward?

This question is getting stronger and general Japanese citizens are furious over it because citizens' burdens such as tax or insurance are skyrocketing.

A couple days ago, it was announced that the debt of Japan marked the worst number: 834,000,000,000,000 yen at the end of 2006. That number means that each citizen is given the debt, 6,530,000 yen.

I think that if Mr. Michael Moore has difficulty finding good topics, he should come to Japan anytime. Many awful truths are waiting for him.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Kiichi Miyazawa, Past Prime Minister Passed Away--From Japan

Past Prime Minister, Kiichi Miyazawa who carried out fully economic measures in late '80 and '90 in the financial crisis. He is praised for having saved the bankruptcy of Japan Economy but is blamed for having left lots of debt.

It is true that he may have relied on public money too much with Keynesian theory and left the minus property, a lot. However, the matter of accumulated debt will, actually, lie in the structure of government organizations that has never been changed though Yubari City was forced to change after it went bankrupt.

In around 1998, a Japanese writer of economic paper has already mentioned that Japan has to cut the government workers or those who are related to government organizations.

In my memory, when that Prime Minister was alive, Japanese general citizens have not known about the financial condition of Japan so much. Just recently, we, general citizens start to know a bit clearly (too late…).

Bureaucratic system will not change until it gets a critical damage like Yubari. It's not the organization like private firms that have to change flexibly to survive. The concept for salary is light and shade.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Devastating Defeat of Liberal Democratic Party is Getting Real. National Crime of Social Insurance Agency Gave Them Coup De Grace--From Japan

The time that the LDP in Japan gets an ultimatum from citizens is coming next month. Japanese citizens will no more be cheated. I feel that Japanese citizens are not such stupid.

The pension matter caused by Social Insurance Agency showed what the government organization is to citizens in a dynamic way. This was too critical for LDP because the matter of pension gave live and real damage the people whose voting rate is high. Those citizens whose ages are relatively high finally felt the pain through their own body. They will show the anger in the election.

Though opposite party, Democratic Party is also not reliable enough, Japanese citizens will know who have run this country where citizens are bleeding greatly if Japanese citizens could keep the accumulated anger until the election without being disturbed by some entertainments that may be put before the election.

What this Social Insurance Agency has done is totally national crime, but nobody has got arrested so far. This sort of unreasonable treatment for government workers and organizations is getting quite clear and citizens finally start to be awakened.

The game of LDP over years is about to be over.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

A Politician from a Wrestler Decided to Retire in Just One Term. Don't Wanna be an Election Tool. --From Japan

Atsushi Onita who was a popular wrestler among youngsters at that time and became a politician decided to leave the ring without seeking the seat in the coming election.

He said, "the election of the House of Councillors is not a tool to collect popularity for the office of Prime Minister".

Ruling party, Liberal Democratic Party, started to use famous people to collect votes since 2001 when the system that people can vote writing an individual name was established.

Japanese citizens also know that almost all of those politicians called, "talent members", have done nothing except for collecting votes.

It will be true that government more than the standard of citizens is not established. Because citizens tend to vote for the celebrities without thinking about what they can do for citizens, government has applied the method.

LDP is trying to recruit a famous ex-teacher called, "Yankee Teacher" in the coming election.

Friday, June 22, 2007

The Special Law on the Nation's Support for Iraqi Reconstruction Extended

The special law on the nation's support for Iraqi reconstruction has been extended for two years, allowing the Air Self-Defense Force to continue its transport mission, aiding in the reconstruction of the country. Yomiuri newspaper reported it.

Opinions for this government decision are divided in Japan.

Though mass media discussed the extension, personally, I want Japan mass media to talk about the government's attitude about the weapons of mass destruction. So far, government of Japan have not mentioned about it. Citizens know that the weapons did not exist.

This government's decision may mean that Japan will follow America under any condition as usual.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Clean the Garbage Completely in Social Insurance Agency--from Japan

In a meeting of 15th, Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe talked about the Social Insurance Agency that is getting tons of claims because of unbelievably rough jobs for the citizens' pension, "It's a serious problem for bad working habits to have been spreading over long years."

Japanese citizens' anger to this organization will not be stopped without strong and firm action by government. The approval rate for PM is falling and the distrust for the Social Insurance Agency is adding the oils to the fire.

It seems that PM finally recognized how serious it was. He said straight in the meeting, "We have to clean the GARBAGE completely".

The word, "garbage" was a bit surprising. It may be a performance before coming election, but it was pretty straight thinking of the words of PM.

Yep, what's going on in Japan now about this case shows how dark and rotten the current Japan society is. Citizens mention on internet that this case is the national crime and citizens are cheated.

The Social Insurance Agency said that more than 50,000,000 records of pension disappeared.

Nobody has been arrested for this terrible case. How can citizens imagine bright future for this country? The citizens' future is covered with dark fogs.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Is English Business Getting Difficult in Japan? The largest English Language School's Bad Business

Nova Corp., the nation's largest English-language school chain, was ordered by the government Wednesday to partially suspend business for six months for lying to customers about its services. Nova will be banned from selling long-term contracts for language lessons starting Thursday, officials of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said. Japan Times reported it today.

There are so many English schools in Japan, but this school is well known over years. However, it seems that they have been focusing on their business much more than the quality of their English class.

It is said that this company, Nova, has created a manual to handle claims by customers. This means that they knew what they have done.

English has been a big business industry in Japan, but recently, some English schools have been closed down. One of the problems will be the cost and the development of cheaper ways to learn on internet.

As you may know, Japan's English education is quite terrible and proved to be a waste of time over decades. Ironically, teachers in schools have been showing it. Therefore, that sort of private school has been popular though not sure for future.

I feel that we can see a kind of capitalism in their business system. They have to keep on providing fantasies for people to earn with good reasons. Effect is not the first priority, but the money is the king. English language schools in Japan know it quite well.

The society where supply is far over demand will show lousy parts of the capitalism. In essence, I personally feel that companies will do anything to survive.

I'm not a supporter of communism at all. It seems that history already showed it is wrong. However, the capitalism is also on the turning point.

I feel that next policy will be "harmonism" that added good, tender, or etc humanity to the capitalism, but it will not be achieved so soon.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Female Self-Defense Force, Appealed Sexual Harassment with Tears--From Japan

Hi everyone! New week has started. Let's have wonderful days. All, right, I'm going to deliver my post today:

"Give me back the time of youth" Female Self-Defense Force appealed in court opening her mouth about the reality of sexual harassment. Hokkaido Broadcasting Co., LTD reported in 11th.

She was 21 years old and have not quit yet.

Reportedly, the plaintiff, the female officer in the self-defense force, was forced to be kissed or touched by colleague in her working place.

She reported to her boss, but reversely, the boss asked her to quit. She claimed the compensation for loss, 11 million yen to the government.

It was reported that she was bullied again after she appealed to the court.

How insidious the self defense force!! She totally wasted her pure heart.

Imagining her feeling and sending a message for pure young females who want to join in the organization, I want to express my feeling through a poem that is a little bit like Japanese Haiku style:


Really necessary is


Sunday, June 10, 2007

How to Earn Easily, Simply? Just Parachute!!--from Japan

Hi everyone! How is your weekend? Here is my post today:

It was found that seven people who experienced a position of the head of Social Insurance Agency that has been showing the terrible comedies to Japanese citizens seamlessly had received around 930,000,000 yen in total. Mainichi newspaper reported it in 7th of this month.

They immigrated from a public organization to another public organization many times, and they have got crazy amount of money every time. Japanese citizens already know why the financial condition of this country got worse.

This Social Insurance Agency has been handling pension, and it has been recently uncovered that they mishandled in 50,000,000 cases!! Under this super controversial matter happening, the unreasonable reward will make Japanese citizens want this government organization to add the axis of evil.

Now, ruling party, Liberal Democratic Party, is trying to enact the bill about the reform of government officials. Even if it is successfully enacted, the effect is dubious because citizens know how much government officials have built the HUGE Debt that is the worst standard in developed country and even concerned about the bankruptcy. How expensive the parachutes were!!

I want to express the feeling through a poem that is a little bit like Japanese Haiku style as a representative of general Japanese citizens:

Migratory birds

More serious than


Saturday, June 9, 2007

Senior Policeman and Old Boy of Prefectural Police Were Arrested--From Japan

Hi!! How've you been? I've been a bit busy though I feel comfortable about it. All right, I'm going to deliver a post:

A senior policemen and a old boy of prefectural police in Aichi prefecture were caught for violation of local public service law. One of them has not accepted yet.

It was found that payments were sent to an account of the suspect. So, a case for bribery is going to be built.

The crimes of government officials have been found continuously in recent years in Japan, but what is serious is the crimes that police has been doing are included. And they are really serious.

We Japanese citizens got shocked when the cases of slush funds they have built up secretly came out. However, thinking that their crimes do not show any declines, I think that the root of their problems in their organization is deep.

Now, the ruling party that is full of troubles in front of coming election is trying to pass the law of reform of government officials. Except for it, they have piles of bills to pass in the present term. Because of a series of terrible blunders caused by Social Insurance Agency, the ruling party is totally stuck.

So chaotic is Japan. Instead of just signing, I want to express the feeling through a poem that is a little bit like Japanese Haiku style:

Thousands of bills

Have to pass with sweats

Have to get with smiles

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Plunging Working Motivation. What's Going on in Japanese Who were Called "Worker Drone" Long Time Ago? --from Japan

Are Japanese getting lazy? It was found that the ranking of working motivation of Japanese was the second worst among 16 countries. Nikkei business reported yesterday.

The investigation was conducted in 2005 by Towers Perrin, a consulting firm of personnel and organization.

According to the investigation, 41% Japanese said that their motivation to work is low. This number was the second worst number next to India.

In the past, Japanese working motivation and loyalty to company were high and famous in the world. Japanese were called, "worker drone" at that time. However, time changed.

I think that this does not mean that Japanese workers have become lazy but environmental change made a bit influence on them.

Salary system, no more job security, and etc. Old generation who enjoyed the bubble wave tend not to understand the young workers, either…and so on. To put it simply, everything is messy under transition.

This is not only the matter inside companies but rotten society, especially unreasonable sweet working environments of government workers, corruptions of top government officials, etc have made the workers in private firms feel stupid to work hard because tax they have to pay is going to their purse with lots of holes.

What companies and government have to do is to make reasonable and fair environments in order to let citizens want to work hard with health.

Under current situation, I wonder if even past Japanese samurais could keep loyal heart to the government or the organizations that is not worth being loyal.

Thanks a lot for your visiting!! Have a nice day!!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Why Japanese Citizens Hate Government Officials: A Head of Social Insurance Agency Got a Reward, 300 Million Yen Through Golden Parachuting--from Japa

Hello everyone!! How are you doing? Again, a scandal that rob motivation of Japanese citizens took place. Please read my today's post:

Under a terrible problem that the around 50,000,000 cases in pension is said to have disappeared, next is a crazy problem that ex-head of the Social Insurance Agency got around 290 million yen as a reward and retirement bonus from an organization where he parachuted after he stepped down from the Social Insurance Agency. Japan media reported it two days ago.
This is a typical government officials' way to steal citizen's money.

A politician said, "This is a usual course that those who experienced a position of head go. Other departments have similar cases, and the case found this time is just a tip of the iceberg."

Citizens are quite fed up with the government officials' matters. Because of the series of corruptions and scandals, the approval rate of government tumbled to around 30 level.

Just yesterday, Prime Minister made a speech in Tokyo in order to turn down the fire, but it was reported that citizens' eyes were cold. Of course.

The penalty of government officials is too light. Just the other day, in China, a top official in Shanghai was sentenced to a death penalty for the corruption. On the other hand, in Japan, there is almost no penalty. Nobody seems to take any responsibility as long as they are government officials. Insane.

General Japanese citizens wonder when the party of government officials finishes. Citizens are forced to dance to entertain them.

Thank you for visiting <(_ _)> and Have a wonderful day!!

P.S. I am listing my debut volume, "Falling Japan ~On The Verge of Bankruptcy and Destruction" on ebay. Please take a look at auction page!!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Top Two Comedians Show a Hot Stage on Movie Screen--From Japan

Hi everyone! How are you doing? Here is my today's post:

Takeshi Kitano, a well-known movie director in the world, and a magnum-force and greatly influential comedian, Hitoshi Matsumoto, meet on movie screens.Matsumoto's debut film, "Dainihonjin (Big Japanese in English, approximately) invited by Cannes the other day is released today as well as Kitano's latest film, "Kantoku Banzai (Director, hurray in English, approximately)"

Although I seldom watch movies, I'm interested in the debut film of Hitoshi Matsumoto because I like his comedy style that is quite awesome!

Once he appeared in TV screen, it was clear that the Japanese comedy changed. He created a world that we had never seen. It was almost an art rather than just a comedy. It cannot be analyzed easily. Even for Japanese, elders can almost never understand the creative comedy style.

Yesterday, Hitoshi Matsumoto came on many TV programs including some TV programs he had never appeared before. And Matsumoto said, "Company invested in the film more than 1,000,000,000 yen."

So many Japanese people, especially youngsters, seem to want to compare him with Kitano, but this is meaningless. As a Japanese, I just want to celebrate their respectable talents.Problem? It will be that citizens, especially youngsters, may accelerate not to pay attention to politics that is on the critical corner before coming election, just a month away.

Thank you for visiting <(_ _)> and Have a wonderful day!!

P.S. I am listing my debut volume, "Falling Japan ~On The Verge of Bankruptcy and Destruction" on ebay. Please take a look at auction page!!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Don't Bring Dirty Matters Like in Politics into Sports!! --from Japan

Hi everyone in the world!! How's it going? Today is the first day of June, and my birthday is coming. Yep, I have to work hard to make this month wonderful to celebrate myself! haha.. Aside from it, I hope that everyone can have a meaningful time in this month, too. Yes, we human beings should be a creature of growth!

Excuse me, it was a bit gibberish. All right, It's 10:14 pm here in Japan. Here is my today's column:

A baseball team, SeibuLions in Japan has shake a Japan baseball with the matter of slush fund.

It was found recently that the SeibuLions donated cash to amateur players or people related to them. Around 170 people related to the players were given from 300,000 yen to 10,000,000 per person as a gratuity. It is surely prohibited in the rule of Japan baseball.

A scout in Seibu said, "Other teams will be doing the same. We could not be behind."

The popularity of Japan baseball is declining. The reason may be largely because big players such as Ichiro or Matsui went to Major League in America, but this sort of dark air is critical to show the corruptive inside situation.

Corruption in politics is serious and never shows any sign to decelerate the dirtiness in Japan. However, it will be quite sad if the sports industry is also corrupted like the politics.

Those workers who have to back up the baseball industry and baseball players should not rob the sanctity of sports, baseball though we are quite welcome to see Ichiro's steal.

Thank you for visiting <(_ _)> and Have a wonderful day!!

P.S. I am listing my debut volume, "Falling Japan ~On The Verge of Bankruptcy and Destruction" on ebay. Please take a look at auction page!!